Albert Louis von Oldenburg

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Waking up at 4 in the morning. Got up, straight to the bathroom to clean myself up, shave and style my hair. Went to the walk-in closet, picked the new handstitched three piece, my rolex, and italian leather shoes. After wearing the white polo, wrist watch and shoes and  looking at the full body mirror in front of me, I went out of the room with my coat on hand and necktie half done.

knock, knock

"Come in." I looked at the clock beside my bed, it's already 5 in the morning.

"Good morning, Master Albert. Your breakfast is ready." Sebastian, my butler and at the same time, my assistant and secretary, said in a stern look. I just look at him as I continue to place the cufflinks in my left hand sleeve.

"Are you done with the documents needed for the meeting? How about the contract for the ASF company?" I asked him without paying a single attention on him. I just adjust my black tie then grabbed my phone, wallet and leather bag.

"All prepared and placed in the conference room neatly. The contract is in your office inside a folder. And here's your schedule for today..." Sebastian continues to review my schedule for today as we walked down to the dinning room. The meal is set, and the maid are all in wait on the side. As soon as I sat down, Lucy, the headmaid handed me the newspaper.

That is how my usual morning is.

After breakfast, I once again brush my teeth and reorganized my mind thinking if I still forgot anything.

"The car is waiting Sir and all is prepared for departure." Sebastian walks behind me as another maid opened  the door for me.

I am Albert Louis von Oldenburg. A well-known multi-millionaire bachelor known for my branches of companies, hotels and restaurants. And I am now in the process of extending a new business on construction. And I will never stop there. Now, today is the day I set off to fulfill one goal.

As soon as the maid opened the big front door of my mansion, a little girl appeared in front of me. She have messy blond hair and familiar blue eyes like mine but her face is more like an angel with her large round eyes unlike mine whose sharp and looks intimidating.

I looked at my butler beside me, he looked confused. I also eyed the driver waiting for me outside who, in my surprise, dared to avert his eyes.

I looked back at the maids in line with an irritated look. This ungrateful brat dared to be in MY WAY!

"Who the heck is this maggot's parents?!" I shouted. All the maids jumped in surprise and no one dared to look at me.

With no one answering, I faced the child. "This is not an orphanage or police station, go back to where you came from!" Shooing the child in a disgusted tone. I really hate kids.

The young girl just look at me with her big blue eyes and smiled. "Papa! Papa!" she shouts as she spread her arms hugging one of my leg.

What the heck! Who is this child?!


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