Under the Moonlight

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"Mary!" I shouted as soon as I opened that ricketing old door of that crazy woman. Doing this kinda things aren't my style at all. If not just for the money.

"What the-! Can't you enter quietly? Do you want to wake the entire slum and announce your entrance?" Mary gritted her teeth as she tries to control her anger that me. I don't like her.

"Oh! Sorry. Hehehe~" I just laughed her anger off as I walk past her to place the kid on the bed. I looked at the woman who is rumaging her bag to find something. The kid is so small and beautiful but how come her mother looked this haggard and ugly and crazy? Did I made the right choice of helping her get the child back?

"Here. Now go. I trust you never tell anyone about this. She is my daughter so I deserve to have her back." Mary handed me the envelop of money she promised me. I shake my head to erase any doubt creeping from inside of me. This is no time for second thoughts, I told myself.

"Ok. Whatever, I don't care as long as I can have the money." As I acted like an idiot, as she thinks I am, and then exited the shabby house and incline my back to the wall. Listening to the crazy woman's plan.

"Welcome home my dear Loralei. Look what they've done to you, you look gaudy, this doesn't suite you at all. My poor daughter. I promised Anne to never let you near that family, now we have to live far away to escape from them again." I cringed upon hearing her sweet tone towards the sleeping kid. I can even see the hairs on my arm stood up with even the faintest light on this slum area.

"We need to get as far as possible from that family. We are not safe as long as they are around. I need to hide you from them. What should I bring? Ah! I need to find a more suitable cloth for Loralei, too. Then, right, some food for her and water to drink. And few more shirts for us...." She now started to turn the shack upside down as she pack their things. I decided to move towards the dark part of the street and hide myself from her line of sight.

She ran off towards the other side of the street and blend with the darkness of the night together with the kid.

"She really is a crazy woman." I clicked my tongue and walk away when I saw them no more.

Baron had nowhere he can call home. He is just one of the few who lives on that slum and is sleeping on the street literally. He took on any job any people can offer as long as he can do it just to gain money to buy food. Shelter is never his problem as he is satisfied as long as he can eat and had clothes he can still wear. His frugal life is never an issue for him.

"Lory!! Miss Lory!!!" In the middle of the night, angry voices of the people on the slum were heard. Baron opened one of his eyes to peek at who is making a ruckus when he just enter his slumber.

"Have you seen a tall man with a little girl? She was blond and is wearing a gown." A woman asked him. It was the same woman who was with the kid awhile ago. Baron didn't have any choice but to put that woman to sleep because she is not needed on Mary's goal.

Too late, missy. They just left. Baron thought to himself as he stares at the bleeding woman in front of him.

"Someone kidnapped her. Please help me. Have you seen where they went?" Her tears started to fall down as she asked Baron. The man was taken aback but then regained his composure once more.

The kidnapper you're looking for is right in front of you, moron. Baron held these words before he can spill anything more. She looked so fragile yet her eyes are beaming with eagerness and strength. He is bad at dealing these kind of people - the stupidly honest ones.

"No one passed by. You're the only one giving much ruckus in the midst of the night." He answered as he turned and around to show that he will continue his sleep.

"I see. Thanks." Her voice became small and cracked a bit when she said her thanks. She sounded too sad.

"I am Baron. I cannot be swayed by mere emotions... I shouldn't be swayed.... I..." remembering her tears, Baron rose up and his eyes followed the woman who walked away looking around.

She suddenly crutched down and pick up something. She embraces the small thing she's holding as she silently cried again. The darkness of the night slowly fades away as the clouds covering the full moon made a way for a small show.

"It is my fault...." she utters those words with tears flowing and the moonlight shining for her from above, she looked like a delicate princess grieving beautifully for the one she loves.

Baron felt a throbbing pain on his chest as he keep on staring at the woman grieving under the moonlight. He gritted his teeth and smacked his own chest to control the weird feeling.

"D-did I cause her that much pain?" He asked himself as he continue to watch the woman run away once more to search for the kid he, himself, kidnapped.

She is unstable when she pushed herself up. And that is when she slumped on the floor again. Baron rose up and is about to help her but then they came.... the men of the Oldenburg mansion.

Seeing the man wrapping his arms around the woman they called Ms. Peter, Baron felt a sting on his chest. He chuckled at his dumbness.

"What am I thinking? Did I just fell in love with the woman I just hit awhile ago? Hahahaha" his laugh is dry as he leaned on the wall and stared up at the night sky. Baron experienced the weirdest thing in his life that night.

He fell in love and then it was immediately broken.

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