Proper Distance

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Albert stayed there after some attendant changed Anne's clothes. He just sat there waiting for her to wake up.

It is almost 6 in the morning when Albert decided to wash his face for a few minutes. But when he went back he saw Anne covered with blanket and standing on the veranda ready to jump off.

"Anne. Stop right there. Don't do that." Albert coaxed the woman who is shaking in fear.

"Stay away from me! Who are you? What did you do to me? Where is Al?" Anne's tears slowly dropped as she waited for answers.

"This is me, Albert. I came here to rescue you." He stood right there far from her. He's afraid of her taking another step and jump off the building.

"Liar! Are you Allan? Do you plan to feed me more drugs? What do you want from me?! Answer me!" The tension just keeps on going up as Anne keeps on panicking. Cold sweat are now visible on Albert's face as he tried to reach out to her.

"This is me, Albert. Remember how you saved me from Allan's humiliation? We were at a restaurant by then."

"Allan is also there! Ofcourse you'll know because you are him!"

"Come on! What else..... wait! You place down an offer to me because you want my body. Wwwait, that came out wrong, but yes! You said with your vulgar words that you want my body for your project! I .. W-We even went to your studio that looks shabby on the outside but nice on the inside." Albert tried to think of any more reasons to tell her leading to him stuttering.

"Please Anne, just listen to me. Come here, it's dangerous there. You might fall off accidentally because of your clumsiness." Albert begged her as he still holds out his hands to her.

"Al.... Al! You're here!" Anne ran towards him and hugged Albert as  she cried out repeating his name over  and over again. They both sat on the floor caused by Anne rushing to him that trip them.

"Hush... I am here now. You're safe now, Anne. I won't leave you alone." Albert hugs her back and caressed her hair as he tries to calm her down. But her hug just tightened even so as she continues to call his nickname.

"Al.... Al.... I am so scared. I thought I might not ever see you again." The woman calmed down a bit but still no sign of letting him go.

"It's fine now. I am here. Hush." Albert slowly pulled out for the hug and wipes her tears away. Realizing how delicate Anne is, even though she always acts strong and a tomboy, she's still a woman who's delicate enough that looks like she'll break any moment.

"I ... when Allan tried to do things to me, I regretted many things. If I could see you one more time, I will erase this regret." She placed her hand on top of Albert's hand that is still on her face.

"Al ... I love you." Tears once again fell from her eyes that are staring straight to the man she loves the most.

Even if the woman in front of him still cannot control her shaking in fear, she still confessed at a time like that.

"Al, one more thing. You are not obligated to answer me or say what I want to hear just because of my situation. I just want to tell you those words. I don't want your pity." Anne slowly removed his hands on her face and went back to the bed and laid there covering herself from head to toe.

"Can I sleep for a while? You'll stay with me, right?" She peeked for a moment securing that Albert is still there. The man just nodded at her as he offer his hand to her and guided her carefully to the bed. Albert, then, walk to get a chair to place near the bed.

"I'll be here until you wake up."

Anne's heart ached at what he just responded after all that confession. She don't want to expect any response from him but it still hurts for her when the man you love was right there and then but never even uttered a word of love back to her confession.

'Maybe this were the feelings of those who were turned down or heartbroken people. It kinda hurt, not as an exaggeration but the sting on the heart is real even though it has no relation to the heart itself. Damned feelings.' Anne thought as she hides herself underneath the covers holding the edge of the blanket tightly.

Albert reached for one of her hand and caressed it but then, he suddenly fits his fingers in between hers intertwinning them. Al is holding her hand tightly and never letting go.

"The very first time I panicked since I remembered, and the first time I hoped if a God exists and that He should have mercy for you. I experienced those last night. My heart kept on racing like never before and your face keeps popping out in my mind. Your corny antics, your tomboy actions, your smile, and the way you call me Al." Albert held her hand in between his clasps hands like he is praying. Anne slowly removed the covers off her face.

"Al..." she slowly sat and looked at him.

"This is  the first time I have ever felt this way. Sebastian even asked me about how I feel about you. I don't know these feelings. I am not familiar with them. I don't know what to answer you or what I should say at times like this." Albert looked at her straight into the eyes. The woman infront of her, once again, shed tears.

"See, you are crying again. What should I do about it? What should I do about you? What are these feelings? My chest still feels a sting every time you cry. Please, don't torment me like these." He lets go of her hand and wipes her tears, placing both his hands on her cheeks.

"Try figuring it out. Maybe books can help you." Anne answered as  she nudges her face on the palm of the man he loves with a bit of smile. "You are warm. I do love you. And this side of you, I love them all." She muttered.

His thumb caresses her soft cheeks which made the woman smiled even if trails tears are still visible on her face.

"Let's take things slow. I want you to be mine completely without questions and hesitations." She added. But then, Albert hugged her suddenly and kissed her forehead.

"I think I understand what you mean." Albert said as he hugged her tightly.

"I also want you for myself. I don't want to let you go. I will protect you and I want to stay by your side." He released her from the hug and looked into her eyes which glistened like jewels because of her tears.

Their faces close to each others until both their foreheads bump and their nosetips collides.

"If this feelings of mine are not love like how you feel for me, then I don't know if I am sane anymore. I like you, Anne. I know that much and hearing your feelings made me happy. So ..... Can I have the honor of being your lover?" Albert said in a whisper but enough for Anne to hear. She nodded in happiness. Tears are now nowhere to be found, it may have dried out from all the crying earlier, but she felt tears of joy within her heart.

Albert smiled sweetly unknown to himself. He never felt like that before. It feels like tons of weight were lifted off of him and there is that fluttering feeling inside him which he cannot define.

He once again hugged her and kissed her forehead then stared at her eyes.

For Anne, he looked like a man asking for permission but she made the  move first. She wrapped her hands around his neck and return the hug before kissing his lips lightly. She felt blood rushing to her face and even without looking at any mirror, she can imagine just how red face may be because of her boldness.

They both chuckled after their first kiss like two teenagers who just accomplished their very dream of kissing their first love. The two of them felt relief, satisfaction, happiness and great joy within those short moments. And as those feeligs resurfaced, they felt tiredness from all that just happened. Anne let Albert to lay down besides her as they both sleep peacefully.

As a man, Al hesitated at first but then, promised to respect Anne's wish for them to rest at the same time because Al stayed the whole night looking for her. They kept their proper distance from each other, yet, their hands were tightly clasps together as they sleep feeling secured with each other's presence.

MY LITTLE PRINCESSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ