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The little miss was shown around the mansion from inside the building to the garden and even through the green house. She was so amazed that her eyes shines at everything she saw for the first time.

She was so amused yet she keeps holding on to Lucy's dress as they walk around the mansion. It is as if she was holding back herself not to make any annoying noise or movements.

"Why are you so quiet little miss?" Lucy asked.

"Mama said that I should not run around beautiful things because we don't have money to pay if I broke anything."

"A kid should play more and explore things. Go ahead and play as much as you want." Lucy answered.

"No one here will scold you or ask you to pay anything. All of the things here are your Papa's property, anyway." Amy added.

Her eyes beamed with great joy for a second but then replaced by a conflicting expression.

Lucy sighed.

"Ah! Look at the time, let us go inside and eat your lunch little miss." Lucy smiled at the little miss and gave the other maids a nod to do the necessary preparations.

"When can I see papa again?" Lory asked.

"Soon, my dear. Your papa will be back by dinner time." Lucy answered.

After eating her lunch, Lucy let the little miss to walk around the mansion. There are only two maids that follows her from a distance and watch her play and do whatever she wants.

She chases after butterflies, makes flower crown, and even took a nap under the shade of the tree in the midst of  the garden maze.

"Miss Lorelei! Let us go inside. We have to clean you and dress you before the master arrives." One maid called unto her. Lory immediately got up and run towards them still holding on to some wild flowers.

"Can I put it in a glass?" Lory asked as she held up the flowers for the others to see.

"Of course you can. We'll prepare a cute vase to go with them. Where will we  be putting them?" Asked another as she take the flowers from the little miss.

"Can I place it on the window in my room?" She answered in a tone that is unsure.

"Alright. By the window it is. Now come and let us wash you up."

"Ah! The dress got dirty! Will Lucy scold me?" Lory reluctantly asked.

"Don't worry, she will not be angry. And we can still wash them clean. You don't have to worry about anything." They said as they led Lory inside.

"Welcome back, Miss Lorelei. Did you have fun playing around?" Lucy asked as she handed a clean towel to the girl.

"Yes! This place is so amazing!" Lory excitedly answered.

"I see. Then all is well. Master will be back soon, let's pick up a cute dress for you to wear for dinner." Lucy replied.

"Okay!" The little miss' face shows excitement.

Dinner table.

"Good evening papa." Lory said as soon as she entered the dinning room and saw her father. The man just looked at her sternly for a few second and then onto his phone again. Lory's smile is then replaced by disappointment and sadness as she walks towards the table

"Ehem." Sebastian simply coughed and looked at his master. Albert glanced at him and mouthed the word what. Sebastian tilted his head towards the little miss who is now on the process of 'climbing' a chair made for adults.

"Good evening, too. Lorelei." Albert responded in monotone.

"Good evening little miss. Let me help you to sit." Sebastian said as he lifted the girl. "Bring some cushions here." He instructed the maid who already has the cushions and is about to bring to the little miss' chair.

"You are so light. Do you even eat?" Sebastian commented as he carry the Lory.

"I! I eat. The food here is so delicious and the biscuits and cakes are so sweet and the drinks are so great. Lucy even let me binge eat from the morning and lunch and afternoon until my tummy can't hold anything more. I even want to save some to give to you and to papa. But they all won't allow me." She explained to Sebastian in a defensive and cute tone.


Sebastian instantly looked at Albert's way because the small laugh came from that direction. But Albert just clears his throat as defense.

Sebastian smiled at the little girl as he puts her down on the chair. "That is good to hear, little miss. Lucy did a great job serving you delicious foods. And don't worry, the food in this house will never scarce. We can ask the chef to cook your favorite foods again." Sebastian unfolds the napkin and place it on Lorelei's lap. "And when that happens, let the master be with you in an afternoon tea." He added before walking towards his master's side again.

After the food has been served, the maids in wait and even Sebastian walks out of the door. Lory, who is sitting besides Albert stays awkward in silence as they both eat.

Lory's food is simply cutted for her convinience and is not as complicated as Albert's dinner. Hers is what is considered a 'kid's meal'. And she is obviously happy and enjoying the food.

Albert just steals short and small glances to the kid beside him. He feels a bit uncomfortable with the presence of a child. He just shaked his head and close his eyes shortly and imagines that he's alone eating dinner as usual.

"Papa? Are you hurt somewhere?" Lory asked.

His utensils stopped in mid air. And there goes my concentration. Drifted away in an instant. He said to himself.

"What do you mean?" He faced the kid and sternly stares at her. Her face was filled with an expression he doesn't know. And her eyes are looking straight in his face without a hint of fear or anxiety.

"Because you look like your tummy is hurting. When Lory's tummy hurts, I also close my eyes really hard and think of other things then I open them again if it don't hurt anymore." She explained.

"And why do your stomach hurts?" He asked to change the topic.

"Hmmmm..." Lory taps her chin thinking. "Many reason. Sometimes when I eat the food I found in the table or under the table, but most of the time, it hurts when mama leaves me for two or three days and I have nothing to eat and can only drink water."

After hearing the little child's words, Albert's grip to the fork tightens and his jaws grinds together. He, then, rang the little bell in front of him. Sebastian entered the room and stand beside the master of the house awaiting for instructions.

Albert signals him to lean closer. He whispers the instructions to Sebastian and stood up then leave.

Lory's eyes just followed her father and when he is completely put of her vision, she looked at Sebastian.

"Did I do something bad? Is papa angry with me?" Lory's eyes are showing confusion and sadness.

"Ofcourse not. He said that you should finish your food and head back to sleep. He just remembered something important that he needs to do." Sebastian replied.

"Oh. So, papa's tummy must hurt so much. He almost run outside the room." She said in a low voice but enough for Sebastian to hear.

Master's stomach is hurting? Almost run out the room? Hahaha! She misinterpreted something. I wonder how will he react to what she said.  Sebastian thought to himself as he held his laughter.


Sorry for the turtle update.. The ideas are floating around me and it's hard to tie together..

Again, sorry for the slow updates.


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