Chapter 1 - First day

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Trudging down the stairs, your mother called out to you. "Y-Y/n L/n get y-your butt down h-here..." Her speech was slurred, a stutter every two words. She was drunk again. Yup this was your life, and oh how it sucked. Only 15 and you had to take care of yourself... your mother a drunk and your brother god knows where.

"Just a moment, Mum!" You reached the kitchen to see her leaning on the counter, a half-empty glass of jack in hand. The glass was put down and her hand reached towards your cheek. Her hand grazed over it slowly then a light crack filled the air as her hand met your cheek.

"Don't shout again, now get to school," your face heats up and you touch it, wincing from the pain. You check yourself in the mirror and see the mark. You quickly took out concealer and covered it.


Stone walls blocked out any sunlight from the east, causing shivers to pass through you as you did the rusty gates. People were scattered all over the concrete landscape, you could easily spot who belonged where. You walk through the grounds towards the office as you had been instructed. "Excuse me, my name is Y/n L/n I was told to go here, it's my first day," the woman peered over her computer screen taking a good look at you.

"Hmmm... yes, here is your schedule, homeroom and locker number," she dismisses you after that, not bothering with another word.

"Try that again, William, and it'll be a weeks detention," you see a boy walk out of the principals office with a dull look on his face. He passes, giving you a quick glance, unforgettable ice blue eyes. You snap right out of it when someone clears their throat behind you.

"Miss L/n? Nice to see you again," you shake the principals hand. "Off to class you go," you nod and rush out towards your homeroom. You open the class door, the teacher spun her attention to you clapping her hands together.

"Ah! So you must be the new student, I'm Mrs-Miss Harlson,"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n," she nods but before she could turn away. "I don't mean to be rude but I'm sorry about your divorce," she raises and eyebrow in shock.

"How did you-?"

"Oh um... well you corrected yourself from Mrs to Miss and you still have your ring on so it must be divorce... I don't mean to intrude!" She shakes her hair with a soft smile.

"No worries darling, that was very observant of you, now would you like to say a few things about yourself?" You hesitate for a moment but agree. "Ok class! We have a new student," everyone's head turns to you, who's face was now heating up.

"H-hi my name is Y/n L/n I've just moved here to London and I have an interest in music art and criminology," you rub the back of your neck looking around the class. Your eyes meet an icy blue pair belonging to the curly haired boy from the office. His eyebrow was raised, interest washing over his face.

"Wonderful, why did your parents make you move here?" You turn to the teacher who was smiling at you.

"Uh... well it's actually just my mother... she said it would be better to be in the city..." you quickly stated.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"No it's alright," you quickly find a seat next to a girl.


"Now..." your eyes scan the cafeteria, you didn't want to make friends, you didn't need them. Just keep to yourself like you usually do and everything will be fine.

You took a seat at an empty table, people were staring, did you do something wrong? "You're in our seat," the voice was stern and you were terrified.

"S-sorry... I'll just go," you take your things and leave before- *bam* your tray was smacked out your hands. The group before you laughed as everyone in the cafeteria joined. You put together that these were the bullies of the school... great...


"Welcome to set 1 mathematics, I am Mr Lonard," you sat at the front, a girl with pigtails sat to your left and no one to your right. Everyone was handed a book, you quickly wrote your name on the front and opened it for your first lesson. "Now, can anyone tell me-" the class door opened as the same blue eyed boy entered.

"Sorry, I'm late,"

"Ah, Mr Holmes, wonderful for you to join us..." the boy sits in the seat to your right "I would ask you to answer my question but I know that you would be able to solve it,"

"Easily," the boy replies, not taking his eyes off his paper. Chalk skid over the board and an equation was left. You didn't want any attention so you kept your head down.

"Miss L/n," your attempt at being unnoticed failed as you were called. "Please come up and solve this, I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't... most can't,"

"O-ok," you take the chalk out his hand and stare at the equation. Your eyes close as you put the numbers together; subtracting, multiplying, adding and dividing.

"Well, good try, Miss L/n-" the chalk hits the board as you start to write down the numbers. Your brain wracks for answers until finally...

"Done," Mr Lonard tips his glasses taking a look at the working out. He raises an eyebrow, leaning back.

"It looks like we have a genius on our hands, you have competition, Mr Holmes," you take your seat and look to your right, the boy was looking at you, impressed. Not the worst first day...


The Queen of Hearts: Teen!lock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now