Chapter 9 - After he left

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"The beginning of your year 12 career. The most important year of secondary school,"


"TAKE THAT!" You shoot the gun three times, hitting each person, taking them down.


"The blooming year for each boy and girl, a year before University,"


"On your left!" Charlie shouts. You look to see another target. Bam!


"Nothing stands in your way except yourself!"


"Just one more, Red!" Ally squeals.


"So make the most of it, for your future depends on it!"


"Got it..." you sigh in relief.

"And we have a winner!" The man at the stall rings his bell and hands you a stuffed (favorite animal) plushy. Ally, Charlie and Mathew cheer in delight. You thank the man and you both head towards another ride.

"Let's go into the tunnel of love!" You giggle and nod at Charlie's enthusiasm, never having been in one before. The line was short so in no time you were at the front. "I'm going with Ally!" Charlie said, linking their hands together they jump in a swan. You blush crimson. They left you with Mathew! Charlie winks at you, before they floated off into the dark ride. You chuckle and turn to Mathew who was just as shocked.

"I don't bite you know," you smile and see another swan arrived. Before you could open the door for yourself Mathew does it for you, bowing his head. "Thank you," you curtesy and sit down at the other end of the boat. Mathew soon follows, sitting down and smiling at you, the boat jolts forward towards the dark abyss. "Now this is scarier than I thought it would-" lights and music suddenly turn on startling you. You jump towards Mathew and close your eyes. He laughs, you playfully punch his arm mumbling a 'shut up'. Looking around everything was way too pink.

"Too girly for you?" He chuckles, rolling your eyes, your eyes cast down to see you were still clinging on to his shirt.

"S-Sorry," you pull away your arm but stayed where you were. Looking around you sigh. "This is boring..."

"Well let's make it interesting..." you were about to ask what he was planning when he stood up and took your hand. "Follow me," he jumps over the water on to the platform where the props were dancing.

"Mathew!" You whisper shouted. "Get back here!" He shakes his head and gestures for you to jump too. Grumbling a few swears you steady yourself and jump. Almost slipping Mathew catches you just in time. "I hate you,"

"You can hate me later, come on," he takes your hand, manoeuvring through robotic animals and felt greenery. You see a familiar pair on a boat, giggling. You cock a brow at Mathew in the dim lights he nods. Realisation hits you, he planned to scare Ally and Charlie. "On the count of three... one... two... three," you both jump out causing the pair of girls to scream bloody murder. They catch sight of you before you both run off back to your boat and jump in. Laughing hysterically you clutch your stomach, Mathew wiping tears from his eyes.

"That- that was brilliant! If you had told me sooner about your plan I would've-" now this was unexpected... your first kiss being on a boat at the fair, minutes after scaring the shit out of your friends. Shutting your eyes you lean in further, not knowing what else to do. Mathew pulls away, your eyes meeting instantly, lights of pink and white shining on the side of your faces. You pull him back towards you by the collar of his shirt, leaning into the kiss yet again. Blinding lights from the outside sun hit your faces causing you to pull away. There they were, Ally and Charlie, fuming at the ears.

"Once we get off I'll hold them back and you run, ok?" You chuckle and push him slightly.

"Oh stop it, they wouldn't dare challenge the Queen and her Hatter," Mathew raises a brow with a smirk.

"Your Hatter huh?" You realise what you said and blush furiously.

"Shut up," getting off the ride you see the two girls stomping over.

"Ok who's idea was it?" Ally growled. You quickly pointed at Mathew.

"Hey! Traitor!" Ally rolls up her sleeves, Mathews eyes widen in fear before he dashed off. You burst into laughter, looking up at Charlie who had a grin on her face.

"You're not gonna kill me are you?..." Charlie shakes her head and walks off following the trail of steam coming out Ally's ears. "Thank the lord!" Jogging up the Charlie you wander around the theme park before seeing Mathew pinned on the ground, Ally about to throw a punch.

The Queen of Hearts: Teen!lock x fem!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz