Chapter 5 - Caring

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It was odd... odd to see Jim weak... he was always strong when defending you, now you had to be strong for him, he wasn't dying, no, but you can still worry about the worse.

"I'll be fine, Y/n," you shake your head and look around Jim's kitchen for a first aid kit. "Top right cupboard," he points towards the cabinet, you walk over and reach for it, failing to get to the top Jim laughs and helps you get it. "Shorty,"

"Shut up," you grumble. Sitting him down on a stool by the island table you take out rubbing alcohol and clean the cuts, you place on plasters over his cuts. Getting ice out the freezer and wrapping it in a kitchen cloth you hold it against his head. "So... do you want to tell me what the bloody hell that was about," you said calmly, he takes the ice off your hands and sighs.

"That was Carl Powers and his goons- it's fine-" you glare at him to continue. He chuckles awkwardly before looking down. "How long, is what you're probably wondering... 4 years 3 months," you gasp slightly, why didn't he tell you? You've only been friends for a short time but this was big. "It'll be alright, he'll get what he deserves, he's going on a swimming competition next week anyways," he smirks before looking you in the eye. "He says I'm a weirdo, psychopath, he may be right but I'm not sure I care what that idiot thinks," you smile and look to the side.

"You're not weird, and definitely not a psychopath, you're my best friend," you say with a caring tone.

"I'm your only friend!" You punch his arm lightly, chuckling.

"The same goes with you, dummy," you say with a laugh, he says touché and pops off the stool. You follow him up the stair into his room. It was plain and simple, elegant and clean, at least it was at first, more and more odd the room became as you looked deeper into it. A Venus fly trap stood by his window sill, mouth open waiting for prey, above his desk was two shelves, lined with bottles labeled, botulinum, ricin, Strychnine, Amotoxin and many more. Odd. On a table next to his bed there was a tank, inside the tank was a small python the size of your arm. You jumped back slightly.

"No need to be scared, fed him this morning," you chuckle nervously and slipped quickly away from the tank. Looking over his desk you see an open notebook with very advanced calculations on it.

"This is- very advanced stuff..." you flip through the pages.

"Do you understand it?" You nod slightly.

"Kinda? Can you explain this?" You point towards a section of the paper which you just didn't understand.

"Sure," he takes the note book and sits on his bed, you sit beside him and look down at the paper.


It was getting late so you decided it was best to get going. Hopefully at this time your mother would be passed out... you take your bike and ride down the streets of night time London. Street lamps light your path as stars shine above. You reach your house and open up the door, yet again your mother was sprawled over your counter. "Hopefully she's not dead... that would kinda suck," you whisper out. She jolts a bit in her sleep, you roll your eyes and go up the stairs to your room. Getting into bed you sleep peacefully until the next morning.

The Queen of Hearts: Teen!lock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now