Chapter 11 - Formal preperations

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It was what? Mid year? Well, formals were coming up and well... you weren't excited for your schools formals, school policy states that no students shall bring outside guests during the formals. Lame. Lucky for you though you were able to crash the Regent secondary school formals, aka the school where your gang goes. Smiling at the thought of spending and entire night all dolled up with your friends made your heart flutter with glee. You hoped that their school was better than yours, seeing as formals was compulsory and that you had to pay for it too, what a bunch of bullshit. Regent schools formals was the first one up and god you were excited to go dress shopping... there was one problem though, you had to ask your mother for money, yes yes you could use the gang money but you had to raise no suspicion on how you got that money so to keep the act up you had to beg your mum for money.

That's all that was in your thoughts the whole day. Reenacting various outcomes of each situation. Even as far as mumbling to yourself while pacing the girls locker room during lunch. "Hey mum, is just like to ask can I get some money to buy a dress? For formals of course..."

"And if she says no?" The rabbit next to you questions with worry.

"Then I answer with, I knew you were going to say that so I went ahead and saved some money before hand," the rabbit nods before taking out his pocket watch.

"Oh no! We should be home by now! We're late! We're late!" You look down at your watch to catch the time to see your rabbit pal was right, you were late! Sprinting home you passed a few people walking their dogs or watering plants, getting splashed by sprinkler on the way. Getting to your house you catch your breath before unlocking the door and entering.

"Mum? I need to speak with you," you say slightly above normal volume, hoping not to anger her by shouting.

"I'm in here," she says from her room upstairs. You take a deep breath and make your way upstairs. "What is it?" She grumbles. You nod and rack up some courage.

"Hey mum, is just like to ask can I get some money to buy a dress?" You sigh before widening your eyes. "For formals of course!" You add quickly, lowering your voice as the sentence was said.

"Sure," you sigh and look down.

"I knew you were going to say that so- wait did you just say yes?" She turned her head to you from looking down at her  bills and glares.

"Do I need to repeat myself, young lady?" She said with and aggravated tone.

"N-no, ma'am," she nods and takes out her wallet, handing you £300. You smile like a Cheshire and slowly take the money.

"I suppose that's enough?" You nod and pocket the money. "Keep the rest, count it as your allowance," you nod quickly and thank her before leaving the room and down the hall towards yours. You keep yourself from squealing. Taking your bike, after leaving a note, you pedal down to the diner, since it was Friday. Entering the dining space you catch sight of the rest.

"Always the last one here, Red," you shrug and smile. "So... what's the plan for formals?"

"Well here's the deal, you guys can't come to my formals because school rules restrict outside visitors, lame I know, but... I was wondering if I could crash your formals?" You ask hopefully.

"Of course, Silly!" Charlie exclaims causing the tonite finer to look at her. "Of course, Silly..." she says quieter. You laugh and look at Ally.

"Well, I've got money for a dress and was wondering if you guys could come along?"

"Nooooo way, not for me, remember the last time we went shopping as a group? You guys spent 5 hours picking out a skirt... you guys didn't even buy anything!" The girls chortle at the memory and at Mathews reaction. "So no thank you," he says grumpily. (Fun fact: Chortle originated from Lewis Carroll's book Through the looking glass, the word Chortle is a mixture of chuckle and snort.)

"Fine, so not Mathew, Ally? Charlie?" Then roll their eyes before shouting.

"Of course!" A bunch of shushes cake about from other diner goers. The next hour spent eating and gossiping about some drama at Regent or you telling about your exhausting day at your school. Just like every other day... the bell rings and you see William and an older looking boy enter the diner. They banter quietly for a bit before he spots you staring. You wave him over, compiling, he and the older boy come over to the table.

"Hey, William, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much just going out for dinner considering my brother here refuses to eat the salad that my mother made," you chuckle and look up at the other boy, smiling. He looks at you for a second before holding out his hand.

"I'm y/n," you shake his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you...?"

"My name is M-"

"It doesn't matter," William barges in grumpily. "Let's just get your food and go, you're only here for a week," Williams brother rolls his eyes and grunts before walking off to a waitress. William turns to leave before you grab his shirt sleeve. "You want to join us? You're brother could too," he snorts.

"My brother says 'socialising are for goldfish in an aquarium'"

"And do you share those views?" He garners his thoughts before replying with a 'maybe'. You chuckle and pat the seat next to you. He looks back at his brother who just smirked and walked to the bathroom. He cautiously sits down and places the journal and pen he had on the table.

"So... William... how do you know Y/n?"

"Same school," he replied simply to Charlie's question.

"What's that journal for? Are you an artist? Do you have some cool secrets? Is it a diary?" Charlie bombards him with questions, he scoffs.

"Do you usually ask these many questions?" He smirks.

"Cheeky, I like this one," Charlie winks at you. Ally grins as she comes to a realisation.

"Wait... Y/n? Is this the William? The one you're always talking about?" you blush crimson to Ally's amusement. You mutter a quiet 'yes'. William turns to you with a grin and raised eyebrow.

"Oh shut up," you push him away gently.

"I didn't say anything!" He points out.

"But you were thinking!" He laughs causing you to laugh too.

"So what's your plans for the formals, William?" Charlie asks.

"As it is compulsory I'm afraid to say I'm going," he turns to you with a grin. "Which means I have to avoid her the entire night or endure torture," you pretend to be hurt by his comment, clutching your heart.

"I'm hurt, never have I been so offended!" You say in a posh accent, fanning yourself with your hand as you lean on Charlie.

"I'm only joking... slightly," he laughs. Seeming satisfied with their questions being answered everyone goes back to their conversations. You look over to his journal, him fiddling with the pen.

"What are you up to now?" He lets out a breath before opening up the latest page.

"136," you snort causing everyone to turn to you, then to Williams journal.

"What's that?" Mathew asks pointing to the small bag of ash.

"Tobacco ash," you reply. You look down to see the brand. "Ashford Tubing Tabasco ash," you specify.

"Why are you collecting that?" Mathew asks more confused as if bags of grey drugs made more sense.

"I'm trying to identify different types of tobacco ash,"


"Because I have spare time," Mathew nods silently before continuing the conversation with the other girls.

"Hey, you missed noting the grain of the ash," William quirks a brow. "You see that ash has that subtle grain because of how finely it was produced, whereas this one has a more prominent grain," Williams mouth forms an 'O'. He smiles before noting it down. The night went on like this until William left with his brother 20 minutes later then you 5 after that since it was getting late. You said goodbye to everyone before grabbing some fries and riding home. Slowly passing two boys you hear the taller one mutter a sentence.

"Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side," you ride past not being able to take a glimpse at the boys faces.

The Queen of Hearts: Teen!lock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now