Prologue - [EDITED]

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Rosalie had just finished off her prey, a bear, when she smelled the overflowing blood coming nearby. "Emmett," she faintly said. 

She didn't need to say anything else, Emmett had smelled it as well. He gave her a concerned look. " Human," was all he said. 

Rosalie bit her lip as she eyed Emmett. She knew her mate well, even though he had been a vampire for a long time, he might still not be able to control himself. Judging by the power of the blood, it couldn't have been something small.

"I think we should check it up," she said hesitantly. Emmett gave her wife a quick nod and they started running.

When they reached the source of the blood, they were in the middle of the road. A car was flipped upside down. "Are there any survivors?" Rosalie asked. 

Her mate didn't answer and they walked to the car. "As far as I can see there are two adults, dead," he said and looked at Rosalie at his last word. 

They stood there for a while. "Wait," Rosalie said as she interrupted the silence, "Do you hear that?" she asked. It was a heartbeat. It was very faint however it was there.

Emmett quickly walked by the car and kneeled. " There's a baby!" he exclaimed. 

Rosalie rushed to his side, kneeling next to him and taking a look at the baby. "Quick, we need to call for help! The baby could still survive!" she shouted at her mate. Emmett took out his phone and dialed the emergency number. 

Meanwhile, Rosalie opened the car door and reached inside. The baby was inside the carriage and didn't seem much shaken, despite the situation. Her head seemed fine. Rosalie took the baby in her arms and got out of the car. 

By that time Emmett was done with the call and went to Rosalie's side. The baby's face was frowning but the instant her eyes saw the concerned adults' a smile formed on her little face. The couple was mesmerized by the little baby as she giggled at them. They played with the baby until the help came.

Rosalie and Emmett were waiting by the ambulance as the doctors examined the little baby. Police had come as well and they covered the crime scene. 

Two detectives walked up to them. "Mr. and Mrs. Cullen?" The older one asked the couple. They nodded. " You two called the accident in?" the same man asked them. Rosalie nodded. 

They didn't have much time to find a good cover-up story. They didn't have one of their cars with them and couldn't just say they were walking.  

Thankfully, the detectives didn't question them much as they believed there were no ulterior motives. Emmett had told them that they were camping nearby and heard the noise. 

As their interrogation ended they heard the detectives talking. "The parents' names were Josh and Christen Evans. Their six-month-old daughter, Ashley Evans is the only survivor. According to the system, she doesn't have any living relatives that could take her in. The baby is being taken to the hospital until the morning where the social services can get her and put her into the system,"

Rosalie instantly looked up to her mate with glowing eyes. "Rose," Emmett began but halted when they heard the baby giggling from the ambulance. He sighed. 

"I know," Rosalie said, "But didn't you feel the same connection?" she asked him.  

Emmett looked towards the ambulance. The doctor was playing with Ashley and she was giggling. A smile formed on Emmett's lips. "This could be our chance you know, to be a real family," Rosalie said again. 

Emmett didn't even need any persuasion, the second his eyes met Ashley's he fell in love with her. "Let's get home and talk to everyone," 

"What? No! Absolutely not!" Edward said the second they walked into their house. 

"Edward," Carlisle said calmly, "Not everyone has the gift that you do so please allow them to explain," Carlisle continued. 

"What took you guys so long?" Esme questioned her children. 

Rosalie and Emmett shared a look and their eyes were glowing. "Oh my god, you guys are killing me," Edward groaned. 

Alice shushed him as she and her mate walked in, holding hands. Alice walked up to her sister. "I think it's a great idea, Rose!" Alice exclaimed and gave her sister a hug. 

Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper looked at them in wonder. Alice probably saw it with one of her visions and Edward heard it both from Alice and the glowing couple. 

"Alright," Emmett started, "So, when we were finished hunting, we smelled blood. Human blood and very heavy. We were concerned and we're sure we could control ourselves. So we went to check it. It was a car accident. The adults were dead but then we heard a heartbeat, a very faint one. It was a baby. Luckily she wasn't harmed. We called for help and as we waited for them checked on the baby. The parents are dead and they have no living relatives, she's going to be put into the system tomorrow morning," Emmett finished. 

Rosalie examined as Esme's expression turned into a sad one with each word. "Oh, poor baby," she said. 

"And, you guys want to adopt it?" Edward questioned them. 

The couple nodded. " Yes, you guys should meet her. She captures you in a second," Emmett said. 

Then the whole family turned to Carlisle. "Carlisle, what do you think?" Rosalie asked him. 

Carlisle took a deep breath even though he didn't need to have one, the act simply let him relax. "Are you positive she doesn't have anywhere to go?" he asked them. 

Rosalie nodded her head. Carlisle looked at her mate and got a smile as a response. "I think we should put it onto a vote, to keep it democratic," he suggested. 

"I vote yes," Alice exclaimed and rushed over to Rosalie and Emmett's side. 

"I'd like a granddaughter," Esme said as she walked to her children. 

"Cmon, doesn't anyone really think a human baby living with seven vampires is a bad idea?" Edward said hastily. If she weren't doing it until that point, Rosalie was surely shooting daggers through her eyes at Edward. 

"I do," Jasper said, joining Edward's side. "I can't make any promises, it's a baby, anything can happen," he said. 

Edward smirked. "Finally, someone who thinks logically in this house!" 

Everyone looked at Carlisle. He was the last one standing. "I mean, it's obvious what's going to happen, even if I choose your side Edward, the numbers are clear," Carlisle said slowly as the boys groaned. 

"Fucking perfect!" Edward mouthed.

"She's fucking perfect!" Edward exclaimed the second she held the little baby in his arms. He was frowning ever since Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle left the house in the morning. 

When they arrived with a little baby in their arms everyone but Jasper swooned over her. After a debate, Esme gave the little baby to his arms and in that second Edward was too in love with the little baby. 

"See? It's not so bad when you stop being a jerk," Alice chuckled as she watched her brother looking at the baby. 

Edward chuckled as well. "I, I, she's perfect, I don't know why I was so against it, now that I hold her in my arms, I don't know if I'll ever be able to let her go," he said. 

Esme chuckled.  Well, you have to unless you want to get beaten by the father," Esme said to his son. 

Rosalie walked to Edward and took her new daughter into her arms. "Welcome to the family Ashley Cullen," she whispered to the little baby.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now