4 - [EDITED]

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It had been a few days since the match. 

Forks' team ended up winning and all the players seemed to be over the moon now. Ashley was still hanging out with Angela and her friends from time to time and she got to be a part of their conversation as well. 

Bella was really shy as she had predicted. Angela was really nice. Jessica, she was complicated. One minute she was being kind however the next she was sending snarky remarks. 

Plus, Ashley didn't really like the way she spoke about her family and especially about Edward ever since he rejected her when they first arrived in Forks.

The boys, on the other hand, were boys. They occasionally flirted with them and messed with each other. And mostly, it was funny to laugh at them.

When Jessica and Angela questioned Ashley on why she didn't come to the game like she had promised Ashley was taken aback. 

She knew she'd get the question but didn't really think of a good cover-up. "Uhm, I came actually," she started, "But then I bumped into some friends and we decided to ditch it," she continued. It wasn't a lie.

Bella realized the uncomfortable situation Ashley had gotten and since she was familiar with it, she decided to get her out of it. "Uhm, Ashley?" she quietly asked. 

Ashley turned to her with a smile on her face. "Yeah?" she replied. 

 Bella furrowed her eyebrows as she thought of something to tell or ask her now that she got the attention. "How about we go somewhere after school and work on the history project?"

Ashley wasn't waiting for that but she accepted, given they really needed to work on it. Other than talking to Billy Black they hadn't gotten anywhere, except for the picture of Ashley and Paul together.

Suddenly Mike joined on their conversation, "Why is Cullen looking at you like he wants to eat you?" he asked Bella. 

Ashley uncomfortably shifted in her chair with his question and Bella got frustrated. "Uhm, excuse me?" Ashley said, shooting almost glares at Mike. 

For a second, he seemed to forgot Ashley was a Cullen as well and he didn't answer. Ashley sighed loudly as she got up and made her way to her family's table.

Her family was talking about the weather, the next Friday was supposed to be sunny. Whenever it was sunny they all ditched school, given there would be sparks everywhere. 

Ashley joined them as well for the cover-up story. "So, will we go somewhere or stay in the whole day?" 

"What would you like, kiddo? " her dad asked Ashley. 

 She shrugged. "I don't know since the weekend is right after Friday maybe we could take a little trip?" she suggested. They hadn't taken a family trip for a while, and even if three days wasn't a long time it could still be fun. 

"How about a ski-reside?" Alice chimed in. "I saw about a new one opening on the internet and the weather is cloudy,"

"We could leave Thursday after school," Rosalie said, and with that everyone approved of the trip.

Then, they went on to talk about other things when Ashley's phone vibrated, alerting an incoming text message. 

It was from Paul. Ashley's face immediately lightened up as she opened the message and typed a reply. 

She heard Edward chuckle lightly and gave him a glare. So far he was the only one who knew she had been talking to Paul. Luckily, the rest of the family seemed like they hadn't caught their little interaction.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum