35 - [EDITED]

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Demetri, a member of the Volturi Guard and the best tracker in the world to date, was given a task by his superiors on their way to resolve the Cullen problem. 

Last year, when Edward Cullen came to Volterra and Aro looked into his mind, he saw something that Cullens had been keeping a secret. There was another human, way before Bella Swan that knew of the secret. 

Aro, Caius, and Marcus decided to not let them know they knew their secret yet, thinking it would come in handy later on. And it did. 

Demetri was tasked with finding the human girl and bring her to the clearing the next day. To show the witnesses that this was not the Cullen's first offense and they deserved to be punished. 

There were trackers all over the world but Demetri was the best. Excepts for shield there was no way anyone could conceal themselves from him. As long as he met the person or someone who met the person he was looking for, he reached his goal. 

Which is why it was not hard for him to track this human when he met three people who knew the human back in Volterra. The only hard part was to bring the girl to the clearing without killing her. 

They had been busy for the last weeks, gathering their own witnesses and tracking people who would betray their coven in favor of the Cullens, Demetri hadn't had the proper time to feed himself.

 He had to hit her head to make her faint, and even though he didn't kill her, his blow was still hard and there was blood around her head. It was even harder to restrain himself when there was a human in his arms when he never had to strain himself before. 

Maybe Aro would let himself feast on the human once this whole debacle was over as a reward. That thought joyed Demetri as he sped up as fast as he can to meet with the rest of his coven. 

The snow had stuck to the ground. Both the Cullens, along with the pack and the Volturi were now present, facing each other in a clearing. 

Aro had both seen Edward and Reneesmee's own memories to prove that they didn't break the law. Irina had come forward and said that she made a mistake and took responsibility. She had paid the price with her immortal life. 

Luckily, it didn't break into a fight like the Volturi wanted. Not yet. 

Aro had given a speech about the unknown future, of what the half-mortal child could bring upon them. That the humans were now a threat to their kind. Then, two vampires arrived suddenly. Jasper and Alice. 

She claimed that they had evidence the child wouldn't be a threat to their kind. And she was willing to show Aro. After showing the future to Aro, Caius was still demanding a punishment. 

Then Edward proposed if they could make sure she would be concealed from the outside world and not be known to humans, then whether they'd be able to live in peace. The answer was yes, as long as they could prove it. 

Alice's proof, or her own witness, came forward. A half-mortal half-immortal child, like Reneesme from the Takuna tribes in Brazil. He confirmed that they were like their kind. Aro and Marcus were overwhelmed by the revelation. 

"Unbelievable," Aro said. 

"These children are much like us," Marcus continued. 

Cullens took a deep breath, it seemed like their plea was now being heard and it wouldn't have to come down to a fight. 

Caius twitched. "And thus, the Cullens are consorting with werewolves, our natural enemies," he said. 

Aro turned to him. He looked at his brothers than to his witnesses. "Dear ones, it is now clear the Cullens have not broken the immortal child law. They are innocent of this accusation," 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now