1 - [EDITED]

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Ashley practically ran through the doors to reach her family. She had been on a Europe winter trip for the last month. Even though she had fun she terribly missed her family. 

"Ashley!" She heard the familiar feminine voice. All of her family was at the door, waiting for her. It didn't take long for her to crush herself into her parents' arms. 

"I missed you guys so much!"

After long hugs with everyone, they were finally able to get to the car. "I have so many things to tell you guys!" Ashley said with a big smile on her face. 

Her aunt Alice grabbed her arm. "And you can start telling it right now," she said sweetly.

Emmett, Rosalie, Ashley, Edward, and Alice were in one car. Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper were in the other. "All of the cities I've been to were amazing, the building and the history were just like how grandpa described!" Ashley said as she put her belt on. 

Alice chuckled. "That's nice to hear but I'd like to know about your adventures on particularly other things," she said with a smirk on her face. 

Ashley blushed as she eyed her dad glaring at them from the mirror. "Oh, well, uhm, " she started, "There might have been some exciting events," she finished. 

Alice shouted like a little girl. "I knew it!"

"Tell me that the European guys are just like how they tell they are in the books and TV," Alice said again. 

Ashley chuckled. "Well, Auntie, they certainly know how to use their tongues, and," Ashley started but was soon cut off by Edward's and her dad's groan. All the females in the car chuckled. 

Alice winked at her niece. "We'll just talk about all the details when they're out," she said.

When they pulled up to their house in Forks everyone could hear Ashley's growling empty stomach. "I guess it's a good thing I cooked all of your favorite things," Esme said chuckling. 

A huge smile formed upon Ashley's face. " Grandma, you're the best grandma anyone could ask for!" Ashley exclaimed and ran inside to house to be greeted by the delicious food.

Ashley was seventeen and was about to start her second semester as a junior at the school. "Hey mom," Ashley said while she was eating. "I know that the school is starting soon," she started but her mom cut her off. 

"--I know sweetheart, we got you your stuff while we were taking ours," she said. 

Ashley chuckled. "And who thought going to school with your parents was such a bad thing?" she said. Her mom chuckled with her.

Ashley knew that all of her family were vampires, it didn't take a genius to figure out. They didn't age, didn't eat, were incredibly strong, had super-senses, and pulled all-nighters all the time. Pulling all-nighters came in handy when she wanted to marathon a movie franchise or finish a TV series, she had to admit that. 

Ashley wasn't scared or anything when she found out. They were her family and besides, she grew up with TV shows that romanticized supernatural beings. If anything, she was living in a book or a movie most teenage girls would kill to live in.

After she was done eating Ashley and her mom joined the rest of their family in the living room. They all wanted to hear their little precious Ashley's adventures, minus the romance part for the sake of Emmett, Edward, and Jasper.

"Grandpa, Europe was just like you described! The history is still alive there!" Ashley exclaimed. 

Carlisle chuckled. " Well, I am glad you enjoyed yourself, honey," he said. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now