Chapter 12

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Weddings at the Indian household are nothing short of a festival. The second millions of people (who also somehow happen to be your relatives) find out that you are getting married, you finally get the legal status of being capable for the society.

Cause no matter how much evolution takes place, girls are nothing but things whose ownership needs to be exchanged before they reach a certain age in the minds of many people.

Now you maybe wondering why suddenly I've become so bitter about this. But let me tell you something, the phone call I'm forced to be attending right now is awakening my b*tch mood.

"And also apply turmeric everyday and avoid going out in the sun. Wear face pack for the -" Well, I guess that is enough to explain why I'm irritated.


The wedding is about to take place in a really short time from now. And I'm kinda nervous and excited about it at the same time.

With every passing day, new formalities and functions are taking place and it actually feels good to be celebrated.

Today, we have decided to go get the wedding dresses. Firstly, in the morning, all of us will be chosing the sarees for the wedding (a family programme) and in the evening, we'll be getting lehengas (a programme with friends).

"The yellow one, it looks good." Gautham's mother says, pointing at a saree.

Hearing her words, the sales guy picks it up and spreads it in front of us.

She tugs the saree towards her and runs her hand over it.

"I'll take this one to wear for the reception." She remarks, truly flattered by it.

"Actually guys," Gautham begins and everyone turns to look at him, "Neha and I have agreed upon something. All the women in the family will be wearing red coloured clothes and the men will be wearing cream coloured ones during the wedding."

This statement gets a variety of remarks from everyone. First, the elders argue with him for not informing about this before. Next, all the cousins make fun of me for having planned such a thing.

So, the next thing they do is ask the salesman to fetch only the red coloured ones and he stacks up sarees and lehengas one on top of the other.


Finally, it was 'the' moment. We all agreed upon a certain saree which realllllllly looked like it was made just for me. Upon seeing it, I really had this feeling like it was made just for me.

Both the families - Gautham's as well as mine, had no second thoughts about the dress and we finally came to the conclusion that this one will be the one I'd be wearing on my special day.

Since I did not have any blouse to go with that saree at the moment, I decided to place it upon myself to have a look.

I walked towards the full length mirror, knowing that all eyes were on me.

I placed it on me and I really liked the way it looked on me.

I turned to face everyone else. Everybody loved it just as much as I did.

But my eyes were yearning for the response of only one person- Gautham. He gave me a breathtaking smile that said it all.

And for the first time in my life, I found myself seeking the approval of someone other than my parents while trying on a dress.

Now, it all made sense. The face packs, the hype, the excitement, the sarees, everything.

It was going to be 'the' day after all.

This chapter is dedicated to the one and only bhanupriyasodhafor the lovely message that made my day.

She made me write this chapter in half an hour which I couldn't get myself to write for four consecutive months.

Two Birds One Arrow (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora