Bonus chapter

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Gautham's POV:

My cell phone rings as I wait for the traffic signal to turn from red to green. Just as I am about to pick the call up, the lights turn green and I decide that it would be better for me to cross the signal and then attend the call.

By this time, the call has disconnected. I park the bike in the side of the road. Just as I am about to unlock my phone, I receive a call and notice that it was from my mother. 

Seeing that my mother rarely ever calls as soon as I leave for work is unlikely, panic sets within me. I've already started expecting the worst.

Before I could even mutter a 'hello', my mother starts yelling from the other side.

"Neha has got into labour. Be there." With that, the call ended.

Neha and I have been waiting for this moment for so long. Now that it's finally here, it all seems so surreal.

Be there? What kind of command is that? Be where exactly? Go home and be with Neha as we take her to the hospital or be at the hospital, prepared?

Since the hospital seemed nearer than my home, I contemplated that it was better to go there instead of accompanying everyone else.

So I immediately call my mother up. I tell her that I'd directly be there at the hospital. Neha's screams of pain incessantly fill the background. I fight back a few tears making their way to my eyes and assure myself that everything would be worth it.

With that thought set firmly in my mind, I start my bike and head towards the hospital.


We are currently pacing in the waiting area, ready to welcome a new  member into our family.

My family arrived here almost as soon as I had. They maneuvered Neha in a stretcher. I held her hand for a second and right before she was taken into the ward, she shot me a smile that simply said everything was going to get a million times better than what they already were.

"Who do you want? A son or a daughter?" I had been asked the same question for about a million times now. So, I already know what answer I was going to be giving.

"I'm down for both."

But, that's not the real answer. I secretly wished for a baby girl.

I would take good care of her. I'd spend all my time with her. I'll teach her to ride a cycle. I'll teacher to stand up for herself no matter what. I'll always give my time to her if she asks for it. It's a silent promise that I've made to myself.

As if on cue, the light outside goes off and everyone becomes still as they anticipate for the doctor to walk out.

The doctor also walks out and downs straight towards me. She has become quite familiar with me due to all the monthly check-ups and all.

Her face breaks into a grin as she announces the news we've all been waiting for.

"It's a girl."

That will always remain to be the best thing I've heard. She then proceeds to explain some things but I pay no attention to it as the happiness of my wish coming true engulfs me.

After the doctor leaves, the nurse comes out after some time, carrying my little bundle of joy in her arms.

She slowly stretches her arm towards me and hands me the baby. I take and hold the baby as gentle as I can while my family continued to warn me to be careful.

It's love at first sight. Her face appears pinkish and she looked so small. I lifted her further up and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Till Neha walked into my life, my mother was always my number one. A few months after our marriage, Neha slowly climbed up to that spot.

And now, this little angel didn't even have to do anything. She had already become Daddy's favourite with her eyes half closed and her pudgy fingers slightly moving. I already knew that I was going to spoil her with all my love.

And maybe that's what life is about.

So this book is officially completed. Yay! This was one hell of a ride and this books means so much to me. Thanks to all of you for sticking by.

This update would have happened only two weeks later but the chapter I updated around 11 yesterday night has 94 reads which is much more than what I've earned in total in many of my books.

Thank you all for sticking by and making this book reach 9K reads and also #9 in Chicklit.

I started writing this book on 13 November 2018 and I'm finishing it today on 14 June 2019.

Thank you all for bearing with my horrendous update schedule. I'll always be grateful for all your votes and comments that made my days.

Special shoutout to these 3 awesome people for their sweet comments and messages:


And also to my babes:
coollife1182 and Basket16 for being the best.

Thank you so much guys for believing in me and giving this story a shot.

You are all the best.

There's no Neha or Gautham without you all.

Two Birds One Arrow (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now