Chapter 23

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Panic overflows all over me as I wake up and the realisation that I have overslept hits me. I immediately wake Gautham up and check the time only to find that it was 10 a.m already.

Kill me already.

Gautham tells me to bring my clothes from the other room as he goes to restroom to bath. I do as he says and walk outside. All the commotion there stops and everyone stares at me.

This is getting more and more embarrassing by the second.

I dodge their stares and even some occasional giggles and walk to the guest room. The fact that I am wearing Gautham's clothes is not helping my case either.

Once I get past all of that, I become somewhat immune to it and get back to our room. I find that Gautham has not finished bathing yet and I wait for him to come. Once he's done and is out, I go to shower.


I decided to help everyone in the kitchen irrespective of the fact that I absolutely know nothing about cooking. Though everyone refused to let me help, I did not leave the kitchen for even a second.

A group of kids approach me in the kitchen.

"Chachi, will you play hide and seek with us?" One of them asks me. Before I could decide on what to say, Gautham's mother tells me that I can play with them if I want to. I take up on their condition.

Once we are out of the hearing range of most adults, I slowly bend down towards the kids.

"Can you guys call Gautham too?" I ask them and they immediately agree and get too excited about the idea.

But, things don't go as I had planned them. They did call Gautham to join us but instead of inviting him, they tell that I had asked him to play with us. This eventually earns me a round of snickers from the elders.


Aaryan, one of the kids, is the seeker now and I did not know which spot to hide in. Most of the spots are quite small and can suit only the kids. The rest were used by Gautham and I. So, I loiter the house looking for a spot.

I come across the room of Gautham's parents. Since Aaryan was going to near hundred and I didn't know any other spot, I decided to hide in this room. But the room had a disadvantage. You can see what's under the bed right from the door itself. That would give away my hiding spot. So, I had to quickly decide on a new spot. That's when I notice the cupboard and decide to hide in there.

I struggle and climb the cupboard and sit in a spot hugging my knees to my chest. From here, I couldn't hear Aaryan counting anymore. So, I decided to let out a breath and relax. But before I could do that, I hear footsteps approaching me. I just about have a heart attack. I push myself further into the cupboard and shut my eyes tight as I hear the door of the cupboard being opened.

However, I am not caught. Instead, another person joins me in my hiding spot. The other person is Guatham. However, he hasn't noticed me yet.

I slowly tap him and he realises that I'm in there, too. He smiles and waves at me. I scoot closer to him. But, soon, both of us hear a series of footsteps approach us. This time, they surely belong to the kids as they keep shouting that only Gautham and I have not been caught yet.

However, before they could reach us, some adult steps in and tells them to go play somewhere else. The kids stop for sometime.

But, the footsteps continue and I guess they must have decided to continue after the said adult had left.

When it's really close to the cupboard, I grab Gautham by his collar and pull him towards me. The kids cannot open the cupboard to the fullest extent and if Gautham stays the way he is at present, they'll surely miss the two of us.

However, that did not happen too.

The cupboard door opened, not partially but completely. The pairs of eyes staring at us did not belong to the kids but to a group of relatives. They stared at the two of us open mouthed. I wouldn't blame them. Seeing the position Guatham and I are in, it seems like we were in the middle of a makeout session.

Soon, they all burst out laughing. This commotion causes others to come and have a look too. Well, this was beyond embarrassing.

To make matters worse, the kids arrive too. But that's not the problem.

"I knew they will be here only. Chachi asked Chacha to join us only so that they can hide together like this." Poor Aaryan didn't currently realise the situation we were in when he said those words. But, his innocent comment only paved a way for more laughter and mockery.

Well, I am never playing with kids, ever.

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