Chapter 15

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When I was a little kid, I had this super awesome idea to eat chilly powder. I ate as much as I could, straight from the jar and by the time it hit me, I had tears running down my cheeks and I was gasping for air.

That is how I felt inside of me when I heard those words.

Though I haven't experienced it personally, I do have an idea how awkward and beyond that running into your ex could be. Running into your boyfriend's ex could be even more awkward.

"So, Gautham," she turned to face him, fixing her attention on him instead of me, " I thought you would be dead after I broke your poor, little heart and ran away."

"Well, I was making a list of things I regret. Just to be sure, how do you spell your name again?" Gautham says.

You can tell that he attempted to make a comeback but it backfired. It was so cringey that I facepalmed myself as soon as those words were out of his mouth.

"Oh, a comeback I see. Well, I thought you would remember my name seeing that I was the only soul who would date a desperate case like you." She tells back, at ease.

Great, now this is getting even more awkward seeing she has the upper hand right now.

"I thought you took my breath away. Turns out, I was just suffocated by your bullshit." Gautham desperately attempts another comeback.

Now this is getting embarrassing.

"Well, you know small-" Sonakshi starts saying something and I cut her off, not wanting to hear her annoying voice again.

"Listen Sonakshi, you wanting to have the last say in this conversation itself means that you are still hung up on this relationship. Otherwise, it means that you are very much insecure about the fact that Gautham had moved on and is now in a perfectly health relationship. Just so you know, unlike you, I don't date for fun. Gautham and I are getting married pretty soon and I know Gautham well enough to know whose mistake had made the thing going on between the two of you to end. " I tell her in a single breath, thoroughly done with her bullshit.

"No, it's not that I am insecure or anything..." She begins, trailing off.

"Listen Sonakshi. If you want to pretend that you are above the rest of us and the world is all about you, then definitely go ahead and pretend. Deep inside, you really know what you lost and where you stand. I am not angry at you or anything. In fact, I am grateful to you. If you didn't give up on Gautham, he wouldn't be mine today. A big thank you for that. We both wish nothing but the best for you. Now if you'll excuse us..." I get up from the table abruptly and grab the cup of cold coffee in front of me.

"Come, Gautham." I loop my arm through his and pull him away from our table. He kisses the top of my hair and turns behind to shoot a smug look at Sonakshi. Though he does it to make her feel jealous, it makes me feel special. 

"You probably shouldn't have kissed my hair just to make her jealous." I tell Gautham the second we leave the shop.

"Sorry. I don't know what came over me. But I don't regret doing it. I've been wanting to do it for so long anyways. Come let's leave." He tells me and hops on to his bike as if what he said would not have any effect on me at all. However I follow after him and get on to the bike. He revs the engine and drives the way home.

"I am sorry for not handling the situation well earlier. I should have been more confident. But, don't ever get the idea that I am still hung up on her. I do not have a place for anyone except you." He tells me and I feel the sincerity in his voice.

I hug him, feeling content with this comfortable silence amidst us.

"But, you disappointed me you know." He tells me.

"Why? What did I do?" I ask him, having no clue.

"Amidst all the drama happening, I was expecting to hear an 'I love you' from you. But no. You just wouldn't."

I withdraw one of my hands and slap his head and then continue to hug him. He laughs it off and pulls one of my hand, kisses my fingertips and places it back at his chest.

Though he was only kidding, I can actually tell that he wants to hear those three words from me.

I love you, too, Gautham.  I just want to save it for the right time.

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