Chapter 12⭐️

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The next day me and Vinn behaved like complete strangers. Our eye contact didn't last for more than a second. It was either me or Vinn who looked away.

Everything was new to us. That cheesy grin was permanently plastered on our faces. We were trying to be social. More than we were ever before. We were talking to random people, exchanging our greetings with almost everyone. I don't know why was it happening.

When we sat on our places Vinn couldn't take it anymore.

"Why did you run away? Are we in a relationship?"

I was taken aback by his blunt question. Atleast he could have sugar coated it a little. What am I even saying? I know I was behaving like a lunatic now. Maybe because I was really happy.

"Ummm yeah I think we are in a relationship. But listen we will keep it a secret. I don't want anyone to find out."

He looked at me for a second and finally nodded.

"So brother, how is it going with you two. So my brother is in a relationship now."

It was hardly a minute before I asked Vinn to keep our relationship a secret and Steven already knows. What the hell is going on.

"Well you see I told Steven before you asked me to keep it a secret." He shrugged.

Can't he keep anything in his stomach just for a day. Isn't there enough space to keep just one thing.

Ok, I think I am over reacting. Even Sharna knows about it. If I could tell my best friend he had a right to do it too.

"Listen Steven, don't tell anyone. Its a secret between four of us."

"Aye aye madam."

You must be wondering why I wanted to hide my relationship with Vinn. Well, I love keeping my personal life private and also it was my first relationship so I had no idea how these things work. I know it was a stupid thing to do but you see I am a stupid.

The same day Nick approached me. He was my classmate. But I felt something unusual about him. I don't know what it was.

"Taya I want to confess something. I have been trying to do that for a long time and now I have finally found some courage"

Oh no, I knew very well what was coming. This goat is going to propose me. I used to call him a goat because whenever he said something I felt like a goat is bleating. I know this is wrong but can't really help.

"I need to go Nick. We will catch up later."

"Taya listen. I like you."

What do I do now? How to reject someone without hurting them. I can't let him get his hopes high. I will have to tell him the truth. Where are you Vinn and Sharna!

"Nick, look I really appreciate it and I am very thankful. I can totally understand how difficult it is for a person to express their feelings but I am sorry. I can't reciprocate your feelings. I hope you understand."

And suddenly Nick started shouting. I looked at him in disbelief.

" What do you think of yourself. I have seen many like you. You know what just go to hell. You will probably find a seat there."

Wtf was that. Just a moment ago he was confessing his feelings for me and as soon as I denied he completely changed his colours. What is he, a chameleon. I am already committed to the person I love. How can I say yes!

After this incident Vinn's worth in my life increased many folds. Atleast he knows how to talk to a person.

I went straight to my Vinn. I wanted to share everything that happened with me but he pushed me away saying that he is a little busy so will talk later.

Yes he was definietly busy. He was busy talking to Tylie. I wanted him to make me his priority just like I did.

Without saying a word I left. I wasn't talking to anyone.

After sometime Vinn realised that I was hurt. And he sincerely apologised.

"Taya, I am really sorry. Trust me I had no intention to hurt you. You see, me and Tylie are still monitors. So we had some work to discuss. But I know its my fault. Please don't be angry with me. I am sorry."

I could see Vinn was hurt too. That was the last thing I wanted. I wanted him to smile always. His smile was the reason I fell for him. I never wanted to be the reason for it to fade.

"So what's bothering my Taya. I am all ears so shoot."

I told him everything and he laughed. He seriously laughed. Was the shock so deep that he has now lost his mind. But after he said the next few words I fell in love with him all over again.

"People do this 'cause you are so cute. But too bad for them, you are already mine."

How can someone be so adorable. The other boyfriends would have reacted violently or even would have shouted at their girlfriends. But my Vinn was so different. I was really lucky to have him.

We smiled and were back to being the old us. A cute couple madly in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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