Chapter 4

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Lorien's POV:
That scent was all i could think about, it surrounded my senses but i had to keep my cool in front of everyone because Alpha Lorien Steele doesn't have or show emotions, “Alpha Steele, this is my beta Jake and his son, the future beta Damien”. I went closer to shake their hands and i noticed that the smell was strong around Damien but i knew it wasn't him, that's why what Damien did when we shook hands was revolting to me. “Upstairs, go upstairs, mate is upstairs and is about to die” my wolf Selena whimpered, at first i didn't understand what she meant until i smelt blood, “is someone dying upstairs”, I noticed them panicking and trying to evade the question, “no, no one is dying, no one is upstairs”, “then there will be no problem with me going upstairs to check”, “mate, mate, mate go to mate pls hurry” Selena kept whimpering “i would like to go upstairs”, “I don't think you should…”, “I WILL BE GOING UPSTAIRS, SO GET OUT OF MY WAY” I growled with my alpha and they were forced to submit alpha and all.

I rushed up the stairs following the scent and it lead me down a deserted rickety hallway, i stopped in front of a door my wolf screaming at me “MATE,  HELP MATE PLEASE”, I started banging on the door, it wasn't opening so broke the door down. Then i saw that he had  dark brown hair and beautiful dark grey eyes that were loosing life in them. I panicked as i saw the razor in his right hand and the long cut on his left wrist. I immediately rushed to him cradling him in my arms, “Xander!!! , i need you now”, he rushed into the “what happened to him”, “i don't know ask them to call the pack doctor now!!!. Once he ran out, i took time to survey the room i found my mate in, on first look you could clearly see it was an attic that was turned into a make shift room though who ever did it didn't do a good job. I could also tell that this was his room, he felt so light and looked malnourished and i could see the the scars on his arms and when he shirt pulled up i caught a glimpse of the scars on his back and i knew this wasn't self inflicted. This pack had a lot of explaining to do of why my mate looked tortured.

“Alpha, the pack doctor is here”, “save him now!!! I screamed at her “yes alpha”. I left her do her work while i went to talk to the alpha and i was angry as i came down my eyes dark purple which meant that my wolf had taken over and she was out for blood. “What happened to him?”, silence, i'm asking a question and i get silence, “WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM OR I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL NOW” “A-Alpha Steele, well you see…”, “Alpha he is stable, we can take him to our pack for further treatment” Xander informed me. “Good, take him into the car gently pls”, i turned back to the disgrace of an alpha and his family, “know this, if i found out you all were the reason for this torture, be prepared to face the consequences” i said with enough venom to induce so much fear.

Xander helped me into the SUV, i brought my mate closer not even caring how his blood stained my clothes, to me he was the most important person right now. “Xander pls take me back home fast, i need him to live”.

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