Chapter 14

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Third Person POV:

A few weeks have gone by since Nick's arrival and his first time training with the pack and some changes to go with them. After the day she had witnessed Nick's first training with Salvatore, she decided he would need to be training with Sal for the time being, until he got caught up enough to train with the pack because at the level he was then even the young ones could beat him in a fight. So Lori drew up a training regime with the help of Sal and they decided that he would train Nick every tuesday, thursday and saturday. Anyone could see that during the span of the weeks that passed Nick's stamina and endurance were improving, even his body looked better and not thin and sickly like before. Lori had put her efforts into making sure he always ate on time,never missed a meal and got enough sleep and rest because she had noticed at one point that if she wasn't there to supervise Nick he wouldn't eat a lot and even though Janet, the pack doctor had confirmed that this was normal for malnourished victims because their tummy gets used to eating little, that it adapts and hurts when ingesting more than it's used to. She said that he should keep increasing his food intake in little quantities till his tummy adapts again, though Nick doesn't follow that rule except if Lori was there, hence her attentiveness.

Lori's POV:
I had woken up today with a bit of a problem and that was the mating thing between Nick and I, even though i take care of his health and training we don't really talk unless its a question on the food he wants or how his training is going which he gives one word answers to, we don't really talk. I know it's because we're both nervous around each other,  i feel the attraction between us and i know he does too but we are too nervous of our reactions towards each other’s past that we let fear stop us from getting to know each other but that's all going to change today because i plan to ask him on our first official date together(unless you can count going shopping together as a date, which i don't) and I'm currently going down the kitchen to prepare for it. The sight i walk into in the kitchen makes me stop in my tracks, “Elena, why are you sitting on your mate's shoulder and Eric why are you carrying her on your shoulders?”. I don't think they knew i was behind them till i asked those questions because they both jerk in surprise and Elena almost loses her balance but Eric is quick to grab her legs tightly, “bestie, when did you get here?” she asks as she tries to sit back upright with Eric still holding her legs, he then turns them both around to face me, “just now actually and to repeat my question what are you both doing?”, “well i saw some cobwebs on the cupboards and decided to clean them”, she said looking rather nervous i might add and Eric didn't look any better. I kind of knew what she was trying to do and why she needed Eric but i wanted to see how far she would take this. “So you saw some cobwebs around the high cupboards and decided to dust them off, funny coincidence that they are the very same cupboards that i lock all the sweets, chocolates and cookies from you and the little ones?”, “yes” she said looking at me sheepishly, “by the way if you were dusting why would you carry a screwdriver instead of one of the dusters in the supply closets?”, “ermm, the thing is the screwdriver was already in my hand and by the time i called Eric to help boost me up, it was already to late to come down and get a duster, so i decided to gently roll the cobwebs on the screwdriver and dispose of them”. I stand silently observing both of them as they wait for me to speak, “I'm impressed, i thought you would tell me the truth right away but you kept the lie going, now get down from poor Eric before you break his back”, “but bestie come on,what was i supposed to do when you carry the keys for the cupboards and doors around and hide the spare ones, you know i really need sugar in my system, please!!” she said in a whiny voice, “no, you know the rules one sugary treat per day, you know how you get when you eat lots of sugar”. I bet you are wondering what i mean, well ever since we were little Elena always had a problem with sugary treats, if she takes too much she enters into a crazy sugar induced high and trust me you don't want to be there when that happens. I remember one time when she ate four packets of king sized kit kat chocolate bars and was so sugar high that she reenacted every movie she had watched that week even the ones with explosions, it was the most stressful day ever, Eric and i had to follow her around so she wouldn't hurt herself cuz she was so out of it, that's why there is a rule that only allows her one chocolate per day. I'm guessing the screwdriver was to unscrew the screws on the doors of the cupboard though its a little funny how she dragged Eric into this. “Get down you crazy monkey, you never seize to amaze me, i thought Eric already gave you your one treat of the day”, “he did but come on, one milky way chocolate bar isn't enough”. “Why do you allow her drag you into situations like this?” i asked Eric,“simple, she’s my soulmate and i love her, sugar addiction and all” he answered staring at her with that love sick look that he saves just for her,which is sometimes cute, sometimes gross but i can't complain, i love seeing my best friend happy. “Get your crazy asses out of the kitchen, i need privacy to prepare a meal for Nick and I” i said while forcefully shoving them out the door, “ohhh date night for my bestie and her man, so give me the deets” Elena had that crazy look in her eyes that she gets when she really wants to be included in whatever happening , “no, first you are too old to be saying deets and no gossip for you today”, “bitch please, if i can still ride my man like a horse is bed without breaking my back then I'm not at all old, right baby?”, she asked turning to peck Eric's cheek not even caring she made him blush redder than a tomato,“TMI and shoo, i have cooking to do”, “fine be secretive, come on baby” she said dragging Eric with her. Finally i was alone and i can start cooking. I really hope this date would bring Nick and i closer.

My Alpha, My Mate, My LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora