Chapter 8

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By the time the weekend comes, exams are over and I'm ready for my winter break. My dad asked me to have my things packed for the trip by the end of the day so he can load up the car tonight and we can take off early tomorrow morning. We have a very long drive ahead of us so it's better to have all of our stuff ready in advance; the earlier we take off, the earlier we'll get there.

I spend the whole day picking out my clothes and trying to fit them all into a tiny suitcase without having it burst at the seams. At around 6 pm I start getting ready, since Tyler and Syd are going to be here in about two hours, and I like to take my time.

I take a shower, and spend way too long picking out a cozy yet cute outfit, settling for a black leather jacket, a grey v-neck sweater tucked into a pair of black ripped jeans, a black belt, and a pair of black platform boots. I spend the time I have left straightening my hair and applying some light makeup.

I hear a car honking from outside my window right as I finish dousing myself in my favorite perfume. I look out to see Tyler and Syd waving at me from the car and I give myself a once-over in the mirror before rushing out the door.

Tyler opens the passenger's door for me and I get in the car, greeting them both as the engine revs to life. We drive through the night with an upbeat tune playing on the radio, I have my window a little bit rolled down and I close my eyes to feel the cool breeze on my face, breathing in the smell of the night dew. Suddenly, that breeze turns into a hurricane as Tyler uses the controllers on his side of the car to roll my window all the way down, letting the strong wind hit me in the face like an icy slap. He cackles and I turn to glare at him, my hair a mess over my face as I try to smooth it down. There goes all the time I spent straightening it.

After just a few minutes we pull up to Jackson's house. Getting out of the car we walk towards the front door, which is wide open, and we take that as permission to go inside.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you, my dad's picking me up later, so you don't have to worry about driving me home," I say, turning to Tyler.

"That wasn't necessary. You know I have no problem driving you whenever you need it."

"I know, but my dad wants to make sure I don't get home too late today. And he insisted, so it's really not a big deal," I shrug.

"If you say so," he replies as we make our way to the backyard, where the music seems to be coming from. Upon stepping outside Tyler receives greetings and backslaps from the guys on the team, Syd and I trailing behind him like a pair of lost puppies. There are fewer people here than there were last time at Noah's, which is a relief. This seems more laid back, just a selected few hanging out, scattered on lawn chairs through the yard, having small conversations, and sharing a couple of drinks.

We head to a small glass table that has some empty chairs around it and the three of us sit down. I feel slightly out of place because I know most of these people but I've never even exchanged a word with anyone who isn't sitting at this table right now. I scan the crowd in the dark, telling myself I'm looking for no one in particular.

"Oh my god, you guys! Listen to the song!" Syd says excitedly as Ty and I try to hear over other people's hushed conversations. The three of us lock eyes when we recognize the familiar melody and start bobbing our heads to the rhythm and singing along with the words. We laugh and Tyler leans back on his chair, drumming his hands on his thighs to the beat.

The first time I heard this song was the night I had my first drink. Sydney, Tyler, and I stole a case of beer from Syd's dad and climbed onto the roof of her house, where we stayed listening to music, and drinking like we knew how to hold down our alcohol. We didn't. Tyler ended up throwing up over the side of the house and almost fell off the roof. The sound of his retching put me off beer for a long time. I tell him as much and his face scrunches up at the memory.

"It was fun though," Syd says with a warm smile on her face, "I miss those nights, we haven't visited that hangout spot in forever."

"We should go up there to see the fireworks on New Year's," Tyler suggests.

"Yes!" Syd says excitedly, but her expression falls almost immediately. "But wait, then Maddie won't be here to join us," She pouts.

"You guys should totally do it," I say. "We can video chat after midnight and it'll be like I'm right there with you."

"It still won't be the same without you," Tyler says, absentmindedly looping a strand of my hair around his finger.

"I really wish we could spend New Year's together, but I'll only be gone a few days," I say. "I'll be back before you know it, and we'll still have a full week to spend together before classes start again. "

"You're right. Syd and I will just have to spend that time missing you and planning for when you get back." Ty smiles.

I nudge his foot with mine. "And you call me dramatic."

He smiles crookedly, shrugging at his own hypocrisy.

"Okay, subject change," Syd says. "I want to hear about your little study date with Noah," She wiggles her eyebrows and Tyler rolls his eyes at her.

"How long have you been waiting to ask about that?" Ty asks.

"Four days," Syd replies. "Can you believe that? Four days and she hasn't even mentioned it once."

"Have you tried taking that as a sign not to meddle?" Tyler asks, cheek cupped in palm.

"Have you tried eating my ass?" Sydney asks back.

"That's no way to proposition a gentleman."

"It should work on you just fine then," Syd retorts.

Tyler holds a hand over his heart. "You wound me."

"Fuck off," Sydney pushes Tyler's shoulder.

"I love you too."

"I'm getting a drink," I say, getting up.

"Sit your ass down," Syd commands, snapping her attention back to me. "You're not off the hook yet."

"Sorry Mads," Tyler pats my shoulder, "I tried. Next time make your escape faster."

I look back to Syd and she stares at me blankly. "Spill," she says.

I groan. "It wasn't a date, it was tutoring." I amend. "I tutor lots of people. And sure, most of those people aren't beautiful, chiseled, green-eyed Adonises that smell of fresh mint, but that's neither here nor there," I rant.

"Now who might you be talking about?" a male voice speaks, taking a seat next to me.

Oh, for fucks sake.

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