Chapter 35

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That's the only word that manages to come out of Noah's mouth as we step into the basement and I turn on the lights. A little laugh escapes me as I see him gaping.

When my family moved to this house, around ten years ago, my dad made it his personal duty to turn the basement into a games room. He installed the hardwood floors by himself, painted the walls a pale, sandy brown color chosen by my mom, and built an entertainment unit from scratch. Then, his long search for items that would make the games room the best one he'd ever seen began, and two years later his work was complete.

The basement is laid out in an 'L' shape. The first thing that catches your eye as soon as you step foot in the room is the pool table. Next to it, in the corner is a little bar where my dad stores his best aged wines, which apparently he keeps for decoration because I've never seen him open one of them, and at this point I don't think I ever will. Off to the left side of the stairs stands a foosball table and a big, wall-length closet meant for storage. Finally, turning the corner to the right is the seating area, that has a black leather, L-shaped couch, half of it faces the entertainment unit, which has a TV incorporated into it, and the other half faces the projector screen.

"I take it you like it?" I ask Noah as I attempt to drag the queen sized mattress from it's storage place behind the unit, to the space at the foot of the couch in front of the screen.

"Are you kidding? I'm never leaving this place," he replies, shooting a goal with the little players in the foosball table and I smile to myself.

"Do you mind passing me the sheets? They're in that cabinet." I say pointing to the wooden doors to his left. He nods and approaches me with the sheets in hand, spreading them open to help me make the bed. I crouch to lay down the duvet, and as I stand back up and turn around to face Noah, he takes me by surprise and lifts me over his shoulder, making me squeal.

My blood rushes to my head as I'm hanging upside down, and I start having a laughing fit while I lightly pound my fists against his back in an attempt to get him to put me down. Although, I don't really mind the view of his round backside and the hem of his boxers visible above his pants.

"Noah stop!" I say in between giggles, "I'm getting dizzy!"

"Oh, sorry, my bad" he says, and I think he's about to put me down until I feel the grip his arm has on the back of my knees tighten, and he starts spinning both of us around.

"I'm serious Noah! Put. Me. Down!" I yell trying to catch a breath through all the laughing.

"Your wish is my command," he says, coming to an abrupt stop and bending down to roughly toss me onto the mattress. I fall hard on my back and my breath catches in my chest from the impact, but because of the soft mattress, the fall doesn't actually hurt. Unfortunately for him, he miscalculated how far he should bend and his force causes him to topple down with me.

We go quiet as his weight rests on top of me, his face inches away from mine, close enough that a loose strand of hair falling on his face tickles mine, and I'm once again delighted by his minty breath. He brings his hand up to caress my cheek and tucks my hair behind my ear as he stares into my eyes, his face somehow getting even closer to mine.

I know he's going for a kiss, that much is obvious, and I would've been fine with that, had it not been for the wave of nervousness that washed over me as I suddenly became very aware of our position, and his hardness pressing between my legs.

"Movie?" I say, my voice quivering as I quickly scoot out from under him and get on my feet before our lips get the chance to make contact. With a racing heart, I turn to him, eyebrows raised and hands clasped together waiting for his answer and trying not to think about how painfully awkward I am. He lightly shakes his head and smiles amusedly, biting at the corner of his bottom lip.

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