Chapter 16

30.8K 911 117

On Sunday morning I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I groan and blindly feel out for it, picking it up and looking at the screen displaying Sydney's phone number.

"What?" I whine as I pick up.

"Get your ass up, brush your hair, and put on something cute. We're going out." She demands.

"It's nine in the morning on a Sunday, you psycho!" I protest as I try to wipe the sleep off my face.

"Well, I slept all day yesterday and I've been up since like 5am, so to me it's almost noon. Come on, we haven't had a girls day in forever!"

"What are you talking about? We're together 24/7. Everyday is girls day for us."

"Yeah, but Tyler is always with us, and I can't talk about my period cramps when he's around, he gets all weird. I want it to be just us two today. Besides, I'm already on my way there, so you can't really say no." Syd says as I hear the sound of a car door being closed and an engine revving to life on the other side of the line.


"See you in ten babes. Love ya!" she kisses the speaker and hangs up before I can object.

I sigh tossing my phone on my bed beside me, getting out of bed and dragging myself to the bathroom to wash my face. I look at myself in the mirror and see the matted mess that is my hair, its gonna need a bit more work than just brushing. So I turn on the shower, letting the water run as I go look for an outfit, settling for a pair of plaid pants, a white crewneck sweatshirt and black combat boots. After I finish showering, I partially dry my hair, fluffing it up to give it a little volume, and run down the stairs, just in time to see Syd parking outside my house through the window.

I step out into my driveway to meet her and she toots the horn a few times as she bumps her free hand in the air to the rhythm of the blasting music coming from the vehicle. She lowers her heart-shaped sunglasses and wiggles her eyebrows, as she dances behind the steering wheel, calling me to get in. I laugh shaking my head. This girl will be the death of me.

Opening the passenger's seat door I plop down next to her and strap my seatbelt on. "Now that's the face of someone who's thrilled to see her best friend." she says sarcastically.

"No, this is the face of someone who's fighting the urge to strangle their best friend for waking them up early on a Sunday."

"You need caffeine," she says with her head turned to look out through the rear windshield as she pulls out of my driveway.

The sun shines brightly in the cloudless sky as we drive towards the mall, the top of Sydney's powder blue volkswagen beetle down, and the music up, a loud pop-rock song blasting through the speakers. We head down to a local, picturesque coffee shop, parking Syd's beetle outside the establishment. Inside the shop the air is delightfully perfumed by freshly baked pastries, making me salivate at the thought of sinking my teeth into one of the sweet treats.

I order a double shot iced espresso with a dash of milk and a chocolate croissant, while Syd gets a sweet drink filled to the rim with whipped cream and a donut for herself. With our orders in hand, we climb up the stairs and step out into the terrace, to enjoy the open air as we have our breakfast.

"Okay, confession time," Syd says, setting her drink down in the table between us.

"If you commited a crime, I'll still love you, but please don't make me an accomplice," I joke, "I'd be no use to you in court."

"Maddie, I'm being serious," Syd tilts her head to the side.

"Oh," I say, surprised at the change in her usual tone from joking and playful to humourless. "Well, what is it?" I ask, anxiously.

"I didn't bring you here just to have coffee, I actually need to talk to you about something important," she confesses, looking down at her laced fingers. She sighs, "I got into the arts program at USC."

"Oh my god, Syd that's amazing! Congratulations!" I move over to her side of the table and hug her tightly. When I pull away, she looks at me with her lips pressed tightly into a thin line, her expression telling me I'm missing something. And then it clicks.

"I'm moving to California after the summer is over," she explains, "I didn't tell you before because it was a long shot, and I honestly didn't think I'd get accepted. So I didn't want you to worry about me leaving before I was sure I got in."

"That's..." I hesitate, trying to hide the sadness in my expression, "Great. That's great Syd." I nod, "Your dreams have always been bigger than this town, and I couldn't be happier to see you taking the first step towards making them come true," I smile honestly.

"Maddie, I want you to come with me," Syd says.


She kneels on the couch, facing me, "I've been doing research for you. USC has a great creative writing program, and it's not too late for you to send in an application," I shake my head and she continues, "Think about it, we could get an apartment together, go to school together for a few more years. You'll write, I'll paint and we'll have our dream life, together." Syd, says enthusiastically.

"I can't, Syd," I say, defeated.

"Why not?"

"We've talked about this," I tell her, "I'm not pursuing writing as a career. I've already decided I'm staying here and studying architecture at Belleview. I already got accepted."

"Why though?" she asks, "Why settle, when you can go out chasing your passion?"

"Because," I sigh, "This has always been the plan. It's a good school, my parents can afford it, and I don't have to move. It's safe." I state.

"Safe is just another word for boring, you know?" Syd says.

"Look, I know it's not the answer you wanted, but I can't come with you," I say, "What I can do, is promise I won't let distance come between us. I'll call you every week, I'll come visit, and you'll be able to give me a tour of your favourite places. I'll even buy your plane tickets to come here if I have to." I offer, "It's not the dream life, but it's the next best thing. I promise, nothing will ever come between us."

Syd hugs me tightly, burying her face in the crook of my neck, "You better keep that promise," she warns and I laugh.

"I will."

"Swear? she asks holding up her pinky. I lace it with mine and we each kiss our own hand on either end, my word set in stone from this moment on.

"I swear." 

Are you mine?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora