Chapter 23

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On Saturday morning, well, more like afternoon, Syd and I wake up to the sound of my mom banging on my bedroom door.

"Come on girls, it's 2 p.m. Time to get up!" she says through the closed door and we roll around in our beds groaning. We get dressed and head downstairs to have lunch, skipping right over breakfast, and she catches me up to speed with everything that's been going on with her in the past weeks. Apparently, she and Jackson really hit it off last night and they even talked about going on a date. I know she's not looking for a serious relationship, but I'm happy for her either way. I don't confide in her about me and Noah. She already knows something's up but I'm just not ready to openly talk about us yet. I invite Syd to stay the night again but she declines, arguing that she has homework to catch up on.

That works out well though because I can't get the situation with Tyler out of my hand and I need to put an end to it. So after Syd leaves, I text him.


We need to talk.

No reply. So I try again.


I'm coming over, and you better open that damn door or I swear to God I'm kicking it down.

Still no answer. But I wasn't asking for permission anyway.

I put my shoes on and charge out of my house, heading next door towards Tyler's. I was considering he might've stayed the night at Jackson's house with the rest of the boys, but his car is parked in the driveway, so I know for a fact he's home. I don't see his parent's car though, so I feel free to bang my fists on the door like a maniac.

"Tyler!" I yell his name. I stand still, listening for any movement coming from inside the house, but all I hear is dead silence and my own breathing.

I knock again. Louder this time. "Tyler I know you're in there! You're going to have to come out someday, I'll stake you out if I have to!"

Still nothing.

I bang on the door one last time, as loud as I can, "TYLER!"

After a few more seconds of silence, I give up and turn my back to the door. I'm about to take a seat on the steps leading up to his porch when I hear the door behind me unlock and I turn back to see Tyler standing at the entrance, looking like a ghost.

His hair is messy, his hollowed out and rimmed with dark circles. He's either been crying or he hasn't slept in days, and I'm leaning towards the first option because he was fine yesterday. I've known him his entire life and I've never once seen Tyler cry, so I can't imagine what could possibly have him this upset.

"Are you going to invite me in?" I ask when he doesn't speak.

"I'm debating it," he answers truthfully, sounding exhausted. "You gonna break down my door if I don't?"

"Probably," I answer unapologetically.

He sighs, sounding pained, but he opens the door wider, allowing me to step inside the house. Standing in the hallway I stare at him, waiting for him to speak up. But instead, he closes the front door and heads to the kitchen.

"Tyler I've been worried sick about you, "I say, following him. "You're killing me here, you've been avoiding me for days and now you won't even look me in the face. This isn't how we handle things between us. "

"What do you want me to say, Maddie?" he says softly, avoiding my eyes and running his hands through his white hair.

"I want to know what's going on!" I demand.

"You already know," he says, his tone defeated, "You can't not know by now."

I struggle to get the words to come out of my mouth. "What are you even talking about? You're not making any sense."

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