Chapter 1

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The man sitting by himself in a dark crossroads set in the middle of nowhere waited impatiently, his heart pounding out of his chest and his mind filled with doubt as he paced back and forth. The denim and cotton-clad man had just about given up when he heard a rustle of movement behind him, causing him to jump and gasp in surprise.

"You rang?" The woman, a short, thin blonde dressed in a red cocktail dress appeared impatient herself, though the aura of her left him feeling less than innocent. Her eyes locked on his as their doe-brown shaded irises disappeared and the entirety of her eyes where flooded with black.

"I need to make the deal," the man gulped nervously. "She's all I ever think about, I can't have her marrying my brother when I'm the one she belongs with."

"You know the drill, I assume?" the blonde cooed at him. "Ten years of bliss, Jefferey. Ten years before the hounds come a-callin' for your soul. Is she worth it?"

The man, called Jefferey, was nodding before the demoness finished her sentence.

"I NEED her. She's the one I want and she's the one I'm going to love for the rest of my life..." Jefferey's voice trailed off but the demon before him didn't notice.

"Ten years with the love of your life for the price of your soul, then. It's a deal."

Jefferey looked up at her with sudden intensity.

"I wouldn't trade my soul for that bitch, what is this? Some kind of scam?!" Jefferey turned and opened up his car door.

"I'm out of here!" He cried out as his tires threw up gravel into the shocked and speechless demoness' face in his sudden departure.

After a minute of standing in her shock, another demon appeared beside her. He was short, a man with receding hairline and impeccable attire, her boss.

"Another failure, three in two days. What happened this time, love?" Crowley's cockney accent drooled between his lips as he patted the fearful blonde beside him comfortingly.

"He was all geared up for the kiss when he backed out, angry and in a hurry."

"Perhaps he didn't like the dress."

The blonde scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm wearing the same meatsuit he's been talking to for the last three weeks, Crowley. I HAD HIM. I guess he got cold feet, but he will be back –"

"No, love," Crowley said softly, walking away from her. "The others haven't, he won't either. Maybe it's about time you retire with the others that have failed me lately." The blonde threw her arms down from her chest to protest but before a word could be emitted, Crowley snapped his fingers and the demon flew from the blonde host's body and back to Hell, leaving the crumpled body laying unconscious on the ground where she fell.

Crowley turned to watch the black smoke of the demon's lifeless form disappear into the ground before straightening his blood-red tie and tugging on his black overcoat.

"What the Hell is going on here?" He muttered to himself as he walked away into the darkness.

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