Chapter 14

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Dean's eyes sprung open at the first ring of his phone, hoping it was Castiel. Sam followed as Dean picked up after looking at the name on his phone's screen.

"Cass, what's the word?" Dean rubbed his face, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes.

"I'm with Crowley a few blocks from your motel. Meet us at the morgue, I'm texting you the address now."

"Cass... you... you're texting now?" Dean couldn't help the surprise leaking through his voice. Castiel wasn't exactly known to be tech-savvy.

"Crowley showed me. Get here fast," Castiel informed him before hanging up. Dean looked at Sam and then down to the girl between them. They hadn't moved from the middle of the night, both were entwined with the girl between them; shifting away from her was something that took stealth and finesse, but she woke up anyways. She gripped Dean's hand and felt Sam's at her elbow as both men helped her sit up and then released her.

"Cass called," Dean explained to her as they set about throwing clothes on. "We're headed to a morgue for a meet and then coming straight back."

Diamond looked up at him and Sam, watching as they threw on suits and ties, Sam tightening and straightening Dean's for the millionth time.

"And me?" Diamond asked. Sam looked at Dean before turning to her as his brother put on his dress shoes and checked his jacket pocket for his FBI ID.

"You will be perfectly safe here, Diamond. You know all you have to do is call out to Cass, who is immune to the... effects of your call, and he will be here to protect you no matter what, until we get here. It's going to be ok." Sam patted her shoulder, then looked at her all over.

"You're freezing," he stated. She wrapped her arms around herself at her words.

"Here," said Dean, casually tossing his brown leather coat to Sam. "She can use it till we get back." Sam looked at his brother in surprise as he wrapped it around Diamond's shoulders.

"Alright, Diamond, you know the rules. If they don't have a key, they don't get in, capiche?" Dean asked, pointing a finger at her. Diamond smiled and nodded, her violet eyes searching both of theirs.

"And no dirty channels either," Dean called over his shoulder, throwing her a wink before closing the door behind his brother.


"What did you find in Massachusetts?" Dean asked the pair waiting for them at the morgue as soon as he stepped out of his black Impala.

"He never showed," Cass answered, but Sam saw something was a little.. off.

"Alright, Crowley. Spit it out. Why can't you get ahold of your man, I thought the 'King of Hell' controlled all of ... you know... Hell, including your minions."

Crowley cocked a half-smile at Sam, but his eyes darted around, looking a little uncertain.

"Well?" Dean pressed for an answer, coming nose-to-nose with the demon.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Where is your lackey, Crowley?"

"About to take a dirt nap, love," Crowley answered, dropping his voice to almost a whisper as he leaned even closer to Dean. Dean jerked back in surprise and confusion.

"Wait, what?" Sam prayed for a second he hadn't heard right.

"His meatsuit has been in the morgue for about twenty-four hours, now. He was killed through it, his demon self disintegrated right along with it."

"You lied? Had us on a wild goose chase over the country?? What. About. The necklace. Crowley?!" Dean leaned back into Crowley's face as he yelled, his voice deafening in his growing rage.

"Abbadon," he simply stated, opening his arms.

"Try again," Sam demanded. "Abbadon is dead."

"But, not her brother/lover. His name is Belial, named King of Hell next to Lucifer, by Lucifer." Sam and Dean looked at each other. "I put him down after you so kindly locked him in the cage with his brother... your brother too. He was furious after you killed Abbadon but managed to keep his respect, knowing souls make the crown and he wouldn't have the numbers to pull a coup. But," Crowley sighed, "when he saw his out with this necklace, apparently he figured he would have the means to collect as many souls as possible, making his takeover... effective."

"Belial has the necklace?" Castiel asked quietly. Dean's heart skipped a beat when he saw fear streak across the angel's face.

"What is it, Cass?"

"Heaven must know of the new threat. Another Knight of Hell is walking around," Castiel looked as though he were about to vanish but was frozen in his spot.

Dean turned to face Castiel, his face screwed up with worry.

"Cass?" Castiel looked at Dean with his bright blue eyes.

"Diamond is calling out to me," he stated, and vanished.

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