Chapter 8

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Dean drove his Impala quietly with Cass as the passenger a few miles away from the underground bunker. Cass, never really one to start a conversation, sat comfortably in his seat, gazing out into the sunset until Dean reached over and checked the screen of the phone that laid between them. Cass noticed the sigh and slight anxious disappointment in seeing the blankness of the screen and looked up into Dean's face.

"I'm certain your brother and the woman are both doing just fine in our absence," Castiel offered as consolation. Dean glanced at Castiel sideways before returning his eyes to the road before them.

"Honestly it's not the girl I'm worried about, Cass," Dean admitted unwillingly. "Sam isn't the one with powers."

"As I stated before, Dean, the woman only used her power to try to save herself. She felt threatened and defended herself the only way she knows how."

"That doesn't make it ok, man. What if she would have succeeded, ya know? Made you fall head over heels for her and then what, killed us for her? Nah," Dean shook his head angrily. "She's dangerous. And I don't want her alone with Sammy for any longer than necessary."

Castiel sighed and looked out the passenger window as the trees along the edge of the road zipped by.

"Nah, I say we get to Crowley, make him give back the jewelry and get her away as fast as possible," Dean continued his tirade as he drove.

"Well, that is the plan, Dean," Castiel said with a hint of patronization in his tone.

Dean slowed to a stop and pulled the black classic over to the side of the road, retrieved a box that was stored in the back seat and exited the car. A few moments later, with the angel by his side, Dean stood face to face with the King of Hell, Crowley.

"Fancy being summoned by you, Squirrel," Crowley eyed Castiel as he addressed Dean. "In fact, I was just about to make a call to see if you and Moose were up to a new task that had, shall we say, landed in my lap?"

"Screw you, Crowley," Dean growled. "We know about the girl, the necklace and the crap the girl is going through because you took her gift. We are here to get it back." Dean stood with his feet apart, ready to throw down with the demon as Cass let a silver blade slip from his sleeve and land into his downturned hand, raising it to show they were armed.

"The necklace I have? I don't know what you're talking about, pet, but if it's jewelry you want, I'll decorate your pretty neck with all the baubles in the world. Until then, we have to get to what's killing my crossroad deals."

"Why would I care about some lousy deals people are better off not making anyways?"

"Because I know what's ending them is what's causing families to literally rip themselves apart," Crowley sneered. Dean and Castiel looked at each other before looking back at the short demon.

"Alright, spill it," Dean demanded.

"Turns out some ancient deity has a grudge against one of my henchmen. He kidnapped her daughter, blah blah blah. The daughter has run away but no one knows where. Now Mommy Dearest is causing everyone that says 'I love you' to instantly tear their beloved to pieces. Haven't declared your intentions to one another lately, have you two?" Crowley raised an eyebrow at the two men standing before him.

"Alright, enough," Dean told him, rolling his eyes at the so-old homosexual joke from Crowley.

"How are you certain it is Hausos' doing?" asked Castiel, ignoring Crowley's attempt at getting under Cass's skin.

"That's a name," Crowley said in wonder. "But I know, darlings, because word spreads fast, and when the King of Hell wants answers, he's got them like that," snapping his fingers emphasized the word, and with that he was gone.

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