9 - Block Party

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Adam woke thinking of Lana and then Amanda. They were both beautiful and sexy, but while Amanda knew it, he didn't think Lana had any clue. Amanda's boldness made her adventurous in bed. Just thinking about her was enough to make him hard. Meanwhile Lana, he envisioned as a loving, passionate girl. He suspected it would take more than one dinner to bed Lana.

What the hell are you thinking? You've got a girl.

The problem was Amanda made it clear she didn't want to be serious. Adam had convinced himself Amanda was probably giving some lucky son of a bitch a blow job, while he was talking on the beach to Lana. So if he wanted to get to know Lana better, where was the harm?

He was lounging around with coffee and the Globe, when he received a text from Amanda. He opened it to reveal a picture of her in a skimpy bikini. Was she trying to torture him? It wasn't even seventy degrees and overcast in Maine, but one glance at the weather page told him it was eighty and sunny on The Cape and the islands. Adam's next thought was of all the men who would see her in the bikini. Hell, if he was on a beach and saw her, he'd want her. She would definitely screw some guy, so he wouldn't feel guilty about getting to know Lana.

He replied to her text. I'd like to take it off you.

She followed up with a picture of her without the top. He had texted with a lot of women, but he had never been sent a nude.

She texted. Are you hard? With the eggplant emoji 🍆.


Prove it!

Christ, he thought. He replied. No, I'll show you in person. When will you be home?

Idk Monday

He smiled and texted, I'll be at your place at 8

Adam was smiling thinking of his date when she sent another text. She replied with another eggplant!

Ryan who must have been observing. "Good news?"

"Amanda's texting me." Adam didn't sharing the content of the text.

"So are you and the jail bait serious?"

"Far from it. She's interested in being indecent. Hell, I'm going for the ride as long as she's offering a ticket."

"You sound like me at twenty-two."

"Come on, man are you telling me you'd turn it down?"

"I've had enough women trouble to fill a lifetime. I'm not asking for any more."

"What did you ball some guy's wife?" Adam was unable to imagine what kind of trouble would make him turn down a sexy chick.

"Nah, that's one place I've never gone. You... I wouldn't put it past you."

Adam laughed, but the truth was he had a few years back. It was freaking exciting, almost as exciting as a sex-crazed vixen fourteen years his junior.

He went to visit Jack before the party. His head was spinning as if he stepped into a tornado. Maddie was busy in the kitchen cooking. Emma was spewing toys everywhere when she wasn't trying to hold her brother. Jack and Rory were having a cold war over what he later learned was Rory wanting to take driver's ed and Jack refusing.

At one point Rory broke the silence by yelling. "I let you be a psycho before the baby, but you can't keep me from driving my whole life. You drive me and them. Maddie too!"

"Rory!" Jack's voice was stern.

"Adam, don't you think he should let me at least let me ride with my boyfriend?" She pleaded.

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