25 - Not banished

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Her head was pounding even before she opened her eyes she groaned. She raised her lids enough to see it was morning and to realize where she was. Shutting her eyes she had flashes of memories - Erik, Ryan's chest. Oh God! What had she done? Her stomach felt like she had eaten a lead weight.

She recognized the feeling in her gut, she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Kneeling in front of the toilet she heaved until her entire body shook and there was nothing left but bile.

What had she done? She had known since she was twenty that she couldn't drink tequila. She didn't even order margaritas. Damn Erik! This was all his fault - his and her mother's.

Getting to her feet she splashed water on her face and glancing at her reflection, she cringed. Maybe she could get out the door and across the street without being seen. She quietly opened the door and sighed as Ryan stood across from her. He looked like he had come back from his run.

He took a sip of his coffee. "How do you feel?" She groaned, and he looked serious. "If I knew what that bastard did to you, I would have kicked his ass." She couldn't avoid cracking a slight smile. "I got you a coffee, but I'm not sure your stomach can handle it."

"Did you hear?" She cocked her head toward the bathroom.

"Yeah, I figured it was just a matter of time. That's some nasty stuff. I'm sorry. I never should have brought the shit out. That's on me."

He was blaming himself. "I was sober when I took the first shot. That's on me."

"Yeah, well, I took out the second bottle, but listen Lana. The guy didn't deserve you. You are better than him. You will get what you want someday. You'll be a mother. You're still young..."

"I know, I know. I just had dreams. You know love sucks." She felt that sadness creeping in.

"Hey Lana, I'm glad you told me. This may sound crazy considering when we met I gave you every reason to hate me, but I consider you a friend... you and Will."

"You were a jerk, but you aren't so bad Ryan Harris. I need more friends so yeah, me too. Now I'm going home to climb in bed until Saturday morning. Oh no, I'm supposed to clean for you."

"Don't worry about it."

"No. I'll send Jessie if you promise not to make her cry."

"I promise. I had enough female tears last night to last me quite a while."

Lana knew he was teasing her, and she punched his arm, which probably hurt her hand more than it did him.

"Oh, if you're looking for Will, he's in there."

He really was a good man, not only did he care for her, but he took care of Will. She had been warming up to him for a while, now she was glad it was mutual.

When she arrived home, she immediately scooped up her phone she left on the counter. She had missed calls from her mother, father, and Adam.

There was a text from Erik, sorry I wish you didn't hate me.

Did she hate him? Most of the time she did - last night she did. This morning she felt too sick to feel anything but numb.

She should have ignored the text, but replied, why would you bring a kid?

That was what set her off not that he was parking or that he had a new whore. He was playing daddy to someone else's kid, and he ruined their marriage because he didn't want a kid who wasn't his.

Lan, you never understood. I never wanted you to carry some other guy's kid inside of you.

That was always his argument, but she had been willing to adopt, yet he still refused. She replied, well I never wanted you inside anyone but me.

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