18 - Therapy for her soul

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Lana found herself thinking of Adam more and more. Their last date was amazing and her belly flipped every time she thought about their kisses. She was fully aware he wanted her, but she liked how he remained a gentleman. Sleeping with him would be a big deal for her although it was a matter of when not if.

It was her last week alone for the rest of the summer. Her parents would bring Will on the weekend. She was afraid she made a huge mistake, allowing him to stay for the summer. She wouldn't be having sex with Adam unless they went across the street. Somehow, the idea of Ryan Harris being nearby made her uncomfortable. He disapproved of her relationship with Adam, but she did not understand why. She knew it was not jealousy since they were just starting to tolerate one another. Truthfully, she found him funny whenever he pulled the damn stick out of his ass and Adam had said Ryan used to be laid back.

When she went to waitress on Tuesday night, a few of her co-workers asked about her boyfriend. "We've been out three times."

The college girl who had waited on them commented. "He's kind of old."

"He's nine years older than me. That isn't too old."

"Maybe not for you. I wouldn't want to be a waitress at your age."

Lana didn't either, but life wasn't fair and she did what she had to do. She had wanted to be a wife and a mother, but she was neither. Thinking of Adam, was domestic bliss in their future? They were a long way from planning a future. A date once a week was barely a relationship.

Adam called her mid-week to make plans for their Saturday night date. It was nice to chat about their week. She liked the sound of his voice. By the time they hung up, she felt a familiar longing.

Why was Thursday becoming the worst day of her week? Actually, it wasn't fair because cleaning Heidi's cottage was fine now. Ryan stayed out of her way and when he spoke to her, he wasn't a jerk. She found it odd he never mentioned Adam. She wished he would because then she could ask him questions. She never heard from Adam on Thursday. She wanted to get Ryan's opinion, but it was for the best, so Ryan wasn't in the middle of their relationship.

Erik called her right as she was heading across the street. She didn't want to answer, but she knew he would keep calling. She definitely didn't want to talk to him while working. Ryan would probably tell Adam she was a bitch and then he wouldn't take her out again.

"Hey Lan." He greeted her.

"Why are you calling? Aren't you at work?" She didn't want small talk.

"I wanted to see how you were doing? You okay?"

"You know my welfare isn't your concern."

"Yeah, but we've known each other forever it's hard to forget. No one knows me like you do."

"I stopped knowing who you were when you screwed the bitch."

"That was a big mistake. She wasn't even..."

"Oh my God, just shut up. Do you think any of this helps?"

Lana was so tired of these attempts by Erik to be friends. She didn't want to be friendly with her cheating ex. By all accounts, he had been active with women since things didn't work out with Carly - big surprise!

"I wanted to know if you wanted to get together for dinner. I miss you, you know."

"No! Every time you ask the answer will be no! Besides, I'm dating someone."

The minute she said it she regretted it. The information would make its way back to her mother. She had told a few small lies to keep Adam a secret from her mother. Starting with the first night when she told her mother she was going to Les Bistros with Bethany.

"Who is it? How did you meet him? I think I should check him out to make sure he's good enough for you."

Lana laughed a laugh bordering maniacal. Erik was obviously not good enough for her. She ignored his questions. "I need to get to work. Goodbye."

Hanging up, she thought Harris better be nice because she was in no mood to deal with him, too.

Ryan stayed out of her way and she was done quickly mainly because he was keeping the cottage tidy. He was on the phone when she started to dust his office. He glanced at her, as she listened to him talk about things like fixed income and short-term gains and other words she knew nothing about. Without hesitation, he unplugged his laptop and carried it out of the room. It was a boiling day, and Lana was glad he had the air conditioning on. When she finished in the office, he was still on the phone and she slipped out without even waving goodbye.

Her cottage was sweltering, and she really had no pressing work to do, so after a quick lunch, she blew up her pool tube, changed into her bikini and went across the street. She didn't bother going to the door. Instead, she walked around back and let herself through the gate in the fence. An afternoon at the pool was just want she needed after her earlier phone call. If only Heidi was with her, it would be perfect she decided. They would bitch about Erik and she'd feel better.

After carefully applying sunscreen, she sat in the chaise to get warm before getting in the pool. She loved the beach, but floating in the pool was like therapy for her soul. She couldn't be certain, but she thought she saw Ryan in the kitchen window. If he asked her to leave, she wouldn't be liable for her reaction. Both Erik and Ryan would be equally responsible.

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