23 - The way I like it

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The line at The Landing in the morning was getting longer and longer. Ryan had time before he started work, but he missed the days before the season started. Truthfully, he could see why his brother loved living here year round, except for the winter. Ryan didn't miss the New England snow and cold. His quick trip at Christmas reminded him of it every year. The last Christmas it snowed a half a foot on Christmas Day.

Most mornings he found someone to talk to. Often a vacationer who would want to know where the best something was - lobster, ice cream, fried seafood, fishing spot. He would patiently tell them, but most were obvious - Evan's fish market, the shacks next door for ice cream and seafood, by the boat ramp for fishing. That was the beauty of The Point there was never any reason to leave it.

One morning, he was deep in thought about some moves he wanted to make for a client when he heard. "Ryan is that you?"

Turning he saw the father of his old cohort in crime. Surprised he greeted the older man in front of him. "Hey Mr. Alfano. How's Doug?"

"Dougie is good. You know busy with the wife and kids."

Ryan smiled and refrained for saying he didn't know. "Are you here for the summer?"

"As of now, but we're in flux. I retired a few months ago... sold the business and the house. None of the kids live in the area anymore. We bought a place down in Myrtle Beach."

"Are you planning to do the snowbird thing?"

"That's the question. My wife wants to be near the grandkids. Both Dougie and Anita lived in Charlotte now. She wants a condo near the kids, too."

"Well, after you buy that if you need some investment advice, let me know."

"Dougie offers advice, but he's in loans, not investments. I might take you up on that. I know nothing about all the stock stuff, I owned auto body shops."

"I'm happy to help. I'd give you my card if I had one on me, but I was just out for a run with Jack. I'm staying on Plover."

"I heard Jack was here and your parents."

"Yup, they officially made the move. They're living here year round for the same reason... Jack and his kids."

"No kids, Ryan?"

"No kids and no wife, which is the way I like it."

Mr. Alfano just smiled. Ryan knew everyone had an opinion, and he was glad he didn't share his.

Ryan felt bad he had lost touch with Doug through the years. Ryan really didn't do Facebook and all those other things people did to keep in touch. He had a LinkedIn account Allie managed for him. He could look for Doug there and send him a message. Doug picked up as many girls as Ryan if not more. He was blonde and tanned just thinking about the sun. He looked like a Californian lifeguard but he was just a kid whose father owned auto body shops around the greater Worcester area.

They saw each other occasionally in the winter. Ryan would travel west out of Boston and Doug would travel east and they would meet at the Natick Mall. Ryan hadn't thought of it in years. When they were too young to drive their mothers took them on school break weeks. Doug's younger sister always had a crush on Ryan. He wondered if anyone knew he had sex with her on the beach the summer before his senior year at Georgetown. It was a bad summer for him and looking back he used her.

It was late by the time he got his coffee. He didn't have time to shower, so he put on a clean tee shirt and shorts and turned up the air. Maybe he'd swim at lunch, but he had to check the National's box score. Don hadn't been talking as much about his team after the Sox swept them, Ryan knew it wouldn't last long and sure enough, the first thing he did was mention the Nats. "We had a win last night, but you get those most nights, don't you?"

"Yeah, we're having a good year, but you know baseball it's streaky. Things can turn on a dime."

He spent the rest of the morning going over things with Allie. He tried to get her to admit she missed him but she refused. It had become a game. He always heard Terri hollering. "I miss you gorgeous." If Cam was not on the phone he would join in by complaining about Terri's loyalty. He missed being in the office. They were one happy family, but he had some new relationships for the summer. If he told Allie about his friendship with a teenager, she would think he was drunk.

At lunch, Ryan jumped in the pool for a quick swim. While he was eating a sandwich, he heard a knock on the door. It surprised him to find Mr. Alfano on the other side. He ushered him in.

"You found me."

"I asked Rick." It was common knowledge Rick knew everything. "I talked to Doug, he told me you were the guy. I want to work with you. I need someone to protect what I have for my grandchildren."

"I can do that. I can also ensure you can enjoy life now. So are you ready to talk numbers?"

He listened to him list his assets. He made a nice chunk from the sale of his business and the house. Properties in Charlotte were pricier than Ryan realized, but it would still leave him with some to invest. Douglas, as he insisted Ryan call him, listened as Ryan discussed different levels of risk.

"I trust you."

Ryan nodded. "Will Doug come up this summer?"

"He wasn't planning to, but when he heard you were here, he was suddenly interested."

"It would be great to see him."

"I'll let him know you said that."

Ryan had trouble imagining his old friend as a family man. Everyone had settled into that life except him and Adam. Domestic life wasn't all bad as he turned the burgers on the grill. He must be old because throwing the football on the beach to a teenager was more enticing than drinking at a bar full of available woman.

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