Chapter 12 | Reveal✅

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Word count: 1037



"Ethan?" Both of us were frozen on our feet.

What the hell is he doing here?

First, he disappears from our wedding, and now, when finally things are going well between the both of us, he has the nerve to show up and ruin it?

I'm so mad at him that I might punch him, but that heartbroken look on his face makes me second guess this situation.

"Why are you here? Why are you back after all this time, Ethan?" My voice was low but firm.

And just like that, a lone tear escaped his eye.

Oh, God. That wasn't good.

"Ethan, hey, what happened?" Asked Nathan, finally recollecting himself.

He walked closer to Ethan with a concerned look washing over his face. After all that he's done, he still worries about him. Somehow I don't doubt that he'd do anything to wipe that look from his brother's face and just that realization stirs something deep in my chest.

Ethan started sobbing and threw himself on Nathan, crying on his shoulder.

Nathan looked at me, wide-eyed and helpless.

We both were astonished at Ethan's sudden outburst.

What the fuck happened to him? Seeing this vulnerable side of this guy who was anything but that his entire weird. How can any of us be mad at him anymore?

Nathan gently patted his brother's back, trying to console him. I could see how awkward the hug was for him but that didn't stop him from comforting his brother.

Ethan was not someone who'd ever ask someone, especially his brother for help. That's how huge his pride was. We know how real and deep the situation was for him that we see this side of him.

We managed to stop his sobbing and settled him down in the living hall.

"I have never seen you cry, Ethan. What happened?" Nathan sat beside him, his voice slightly breaking.

He didn't reply. He was in his deep thoughts. Then I decided to break the silence,

"You disappeared for almost a month, Ethan. And now, you suddenly appear without any warning, in this sorrowful state. We can't help you unless you open up-"

"I'm sorry, Samantha." Ethan cut me off. Did he just-


"I-I mean, I ran away from the wedding and, I know how my mistake would've cost you your life. I'm glad you married my brother. And I'm that time I had no other way."

"There is always a way, Ethan. Am I that useless that you couldn't come to me for help?" Nathan asked, bitterly.

"No. It isn't like that, Nate. I...I-I was foolish alright. Here I am, right now...nowhere to go...lost and...hopeless..."Oh god, he's tearing up again.

"Oh jeez, stop crying and tell us what's the matter already!" I whined...I hate that my heart aches for his pain and I can't sit and watch him cry all day.

He sighed, wiping his tears, and began, "So..uh I have a she's pregnant-" his lips quivering, "-but...she's...she's missing! I don't know what to do, Nathan...please, please help me-"

He immediately pulled Ethan into his embrace saying 'everything will be fine' and 'we'll find her'.


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