Chapter 14 | Mislead✅

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Word count: 1108



It was still early in the morning.

And today I decided to go visit Nathan in his office and maybe even help him with some things.

I know with all these problems going on, he comes home exhausted and worn out every day. So I decided I'd go help him at his work.

Ruther is taking care of our company anyway, so I'm not needed there.

But my darling husband is carrying everything on his shoulders and the asshole won't ever ask for my help, that much I knew.

And most of it surprised me at the beginning, not because Nate was someone incapable of taking responsibilities.

That he was, but the guy I knew as a teenager would never.

He'd say fuck everyone and most probably beat them up. He had quite some anger issues back then. He still does, only he has better control of it now.

This man that he grew into during my absence, simply fascinated me more than ever.

Yes, I found his anger hot and loved his craziness and eerily silent aura. But I was far more attracted to Nathan who was in control of everything, and what was more beautiful was his sense of responsibility and sincerity for his family.

Never did I expect to see him like this one day, but neither did I see marrying him, did I?

Looking at the clock, I decided it was time to get ready.

Nathan never wakes me up and ever since Ruther and Ethan returned he's been setting my alarm off, so I could sleep in and go work in the afternoon.

His level of control over things is just crazy. So I decided to set my alarm this time which he wouldn't know.

I quickly finished my morning routine and slipped into my work attire. I did my regular makeup and pulled up my hair into a ponytail.

This was my first time stepping into The Walker Corps as 'Mrs

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This was my first time stepping into The Walker Corps as 'Mrs. Walker', so I had to make a good impression.


"Good Morning, Mrs. Walker"

"Good Morning." I smiled back.

Ever since I entered the building, I've been greeted by everyone who passes by me. It's kinda embarrassing.

Mrs. Walker huh.

It's different in my office since I knew everyone and practically grew up with them. But this is new. Unfamiliar.

I took the elevator and reached the top floor to where Nathan's office was.

I noticed Nathan's Head Secretary, Tessa Maybelline's office on the way.

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