Chapter 19 | Almost✅

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Word count: 1316

(A lot of swearing and mild violence ☡)



It's been a few hours since I started driving to that bar where all this shit happened.

I'm just so fucking mad right now that I might kill him with my bare fucking hands when I catch that motherfucker.

And I'm pissed that she did not wait for me or anyone and went straight into that asshole's hold.

The moment Venesa mumbled out those words, I didn't care about anything anymore.

Not Venesa.

Not Ethan.

Not mom yelling my name.

I dashed out like a madman and drove straight. If it's even true that she's there.

My fingers tighten around the steering, teeth grinding as I try to get my anger under control but I don't see it working.

Not until I have her back in my arms.

I swear to fucking God I'll tie her to my bed the next time I leave.

But my mind can't seem to stop thinking about Venesa sobbing that hard.

She was dirty and bruised.

And I can't help but think about how vulnerable my girl must be right now.

No. No.

I'll get her back.

I'll. Get. Her. Fucking. Back.

The one thing I knew for sure was that, that Tom guy was not gonna escape alive today.

When I finally reached the location given to me, I realized this was the bar Tessa's family owned for a very long time.

And this information sent a new fury through my veins.

My girl, my brother's girl, and my nephew/niece were being held captive in her family bar and she didn't know?

How convincing.

I stomped through the almost empty bar now and kicked the nearby table, smashed a couple of glasses but that didn't seem to get my fury under control.

"Tessa!" I screamed.

"N-Nathan? Son, what happened?" Her face showing her pretense of concern for me.

How did I not notice these before?

"Tessa, do you know anyone named Thomas here?"

Her entire body stilled as she stared at me.

"Thomas? No, I don't think any Thomas works here, dear."

"So, you're telling me you don't know about this Thomas, who has been holding my family captive in your bar?" She didn't miss the fury behind my words.

"Kidnap? Oh, God. did that happen?" She gasped, holding her chest in shock.

I stared at her for a moment before starting,

"I know your innocent, Tessa...but the others don't." Her face slacking in silent relief. "But you have to help me so I can prove your innocence."

"Oh, dear. Of course. Anything." She smiled.

"Nathan, they're here!" Jasper. Thank fuck.

"Yes. Take her."

"What? Nathan, dear?" Her face morphing into horror.

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