Chapter 13

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The next day was confusing. My emotions were all over the place and it was more than enough to make my head spin. I wanted to be with the king. I wanted to know everything about him, touch him, and tell him all the little details about me. I wanted him to kiss me all over until I could hardly breathe, then hold me tight against him. I was already baffled because my sexual experienced had caused me to be so drawn to him in such a heartfelt way. But at the same time I was angry that I let last night get to me so much. He had threatened me and my maids yesterday. He frequently dismissed me and ordered me around, making it obvious that he owned me, He told me nothing about himself or his life. The only thing I knew for sure about him was that he was a werewolf. And to be honest, I didn't know much about that either.

However, when dinner came I was determined to change that. I had been raised in ignorance because of my title, or lack thereof. But now he had no right to keep me in the dark. I was married to a werewolf, I should know something about him and his species, even if I had only been a little country slave before.

"What happened to your first wife?" I demanded, absently poking at some ham on my plate. The words came out before I overthought them and convinced myself not to say them, but they tumbled out quite awkwardly.

The king was startled by my question. He froze with his fork half way to his mouth and his eyes grew a fraction at my words. I would be lying if I said it didn't satisfy me a little bit to have the upper hand after all this time. Catching him off guard was not something I expected to do often, so seeing his expression made me feel a little proud of myself. He was always so stable and collected because he was the one who unsettled everyone and ruffled feathers. Unfortunately, the king recovered quickly, bringing his fork the rest of the way to his mouth and chewing before he answered me. I decided to do the same, but I held eye contact with him. I wanted him to think that I wasn't scared of him, despite the knots that were in my stomach, telling me otherwise.

"She left me in the middle of the night." He answered.

He looked like he was about to carry on eating or dismiss me and tell me not to bring it up again, but I decided to beat him to the chase. I deserved to know some things, and I would not let him dictate this conversation.

"Why would she leave you?"

"She never did tell me, but I imagine that it's because I'm a werewolf and she was a human. The two rarely mix and her father wasn't particularly fond of the joining which didn't help." He explained. He answered too fast, but I couldn't tell if he was angry, lying, or annoyed with me. Maybe it was a collection of all three and his wife was too delicate of a subject to touch.

I didn't care.

"But I'm human, why did you pick me?"

"I've told you before that I didn't pick you. The moon goddess did." he groaned.

"Who is the moon goddess?"

Now I was certain that King Archer was getting annoyed with me. I watched him closely when he bit his lower lip and his hands clenched tighter around his fork. Yes, I had been delighted that I was getting under his skin like he had been getting under mine, however, he was still the king. He could snap his fingers at any given moment and tell guards to drag me away to be hanged or beheaded. I wanted to peeve him just enough to make him frustrated, but not enough to make him snap.

"The moon goddess is the goddess of werewolves. She decides who we will be with for the rest of our lives." He grunted.

"And she picked me?"

"Evidently. I thought because I was only half werewolf that I wouldn't have a mate, so I married a human. Clearly, that did not work out, and now here you are."

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