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"What are you doing moron?! Move!"

Sam's fist had harshly connected with the cold metal locker, the sound causing his victim to flinch.

"No." He spoke plainly, secretly hoping he looked cool in front of the female onlooker Emily, who simply watched from a small distance.

"If you don't back off," May began, her voice firm but laced with slight panic, "I'll scream. Everyone will come and you'll go to the office."

"Who cares?" Emily piped up, "If he goes to the office then so will you. And at this point not even your dad can do anything for you."

"What are you talking about?" May huffed briskly, fidgeting under the gazes. "What is even the point of this? Don't tell me (Y/N) is behind this and told you something that isn't true? Because I was actually meaning to show you guys something." May smirked and quickly dropped a hand to her purse, fetching a camera and fiddling with the settings for a moment before displaying it to the two of them.

Sam's eyes admittedly widened upon seeing the picture, but after only a moments hesitation, the camera was out of May's hands. With a crunch that heard throughout the halls, he slammed the device into the locker.

May shrieked and ducked low as pieces of glass shattered to the tile floor. After a moment she looked up with fearful wide eyes.

"She kissed my boyfriend! What's wrong with you?! You're so loyal as to stand up for her even when-"

"Oh shut up," Emily spoke, rolling her eyes, "A girl exposed you. She saw me leave your 'clique' and finally figured out how messed up you are. She approached me a long time ago, and ever since has been giving me updates. Not only that but I've talked to a handful of other people too that had confessed some trash things you've done because you think your actions don't have consequences. Right before prom, Rachel told me everything you were planning to do that night."

"Emily told me everything right after we tried to stop it. Unfortunately we were too late, but now I have all the time in the world. Do you know how messed up you are?!" Sam spat, "You got private information from your dad about Jungkook and used it to threaten a student? Then also thought you could get away with blackmail? You didn't even try to hide it. Most people aren't stupid enough to deny how messed up that is."

The two watched as unidentifiable emotions flickered in her eyes. Confusion? Fear? Anger?

"Who- I mean, you can't prov-"

"I have texts saved from people exposing you. I'm willing to even start a petition, 'who thinks May sucks', got a nice ring to it right?"

"You still can't-"

"Also idiot," Sam added, "You assaulted a student on school property. In a HALLWAY. You think it won't be on camera?"

"Hmm, assault can lead to being expelled," Emily thoughtfully chirped while tapping her chin, "Gosh, I better be a good student and go get the principal!"

Emily began walking off, and May lunged her way; clearly attempting to stop her with some sort of violence. Before she could however, Sam firmly gripped her arm and halted the action.

"Don't touch her." He stated simply, "Don't EVER touch her. If you think this is bad, you don't want to know what I'll do if you try to hurt Emily."

"You're threatening me!" May wildly shouted, people now turning their heads in shock as they began to watch what was going on, "You destroyed my property! YOU'LL be expelled, my dad will make sure you never come back!"

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