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"wild excitement or ecstasy"



Like every other teenage girl, I had made some questionable life choices.

Which was all right, since I was in the whole adolescent phase and wanted to rebel against all forces that tried to hold me in their clutches, in short; my parents.

However, I didn't expect those questionable choices to follow me through adulthood, especially not till the age of twenty-six. According to my mother, it was a disaster I hadn't married yet, much less, wasn't even in a healthy, stable relationship.

The irony, really.

I had gone from peacefully enjoying my vacation by the beach without a care about Los Angeles, to warming the bed of the one person who had been an obstacle ever since I started my career as a marriage counsellor.

And here I though I could simply sip on my Mimosa while enjoying the sunset. Wasn't that what I should've ideally done in the Bahamas?

I wasn't unacquainted with a little bit of promiscuous-ness, in fact I had fully intended to divulge in it this vacation. Just not with Zachery fucking Henderson. One time is a mistake, second time is a goddamn career suicide. I mean I had thought about the consequences, and like the strong-willed person that I thought I was I had managed to avoid him for a full five hours before I was laying on his bed again with my clothes spewed all over his living room. At this point, facing the consequences after my state of delirium was a more plausible option.

God, it was just sex and here I was. Pining for his touch every time he was ten-feet near me.

Getting up from the plush green couch, I hoisted up my clothing from the floor and dressed up. I had to talk to him, make him forget this ever happened. What happened in the Bahamas stays the fuck here, after all we both had a reputation to hold.

He was probably akin to Heathcliff or Rochester, and I was Emma minus the wrong judgements. Bronte sisters versus Austen, he was not even a hero from my universe. We are polars, but we were opposites that attracted, I hadn't believed in that theory before, but now I truly did. It was tried, tested and definitely true.

But that did not mean he was not a hindrance to my work. Especially since he was personally involved in my latest set of clients' lives. I was to counsel Hollywood's 'It' couple for over four years, Liam Locke and Sofia Vera Locke, through their publicly shattering marriage. The problem? Zachery was representing Liam, and he definitely wouldn't stop until that damn divorce paper was signed. I, on the other hand, was going to do everything in my power to help their marriage work.

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