2. D r a c o n i a n

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excessively harsh and severe.


The trial was a hell-hole.

It might as well have been the infamous Eminem vs MGK showdown. It baffled me how two individuals who were once in love and vowed to respect each other could say such vile and hateful things to one another. I knew Liam Locke's case came with baggage, I did not know there was a free ticket to accusations, tears and nastiness. This was exactly why I didn't do marriages. I had seen enough damages in them to last me a lifetime or maybe five.

Throughout the trial the lawyers of both parties tried to placate them, of course they failed. Miserably. This is because the court actually ordered the couple to come at a later date, after their first counselling session. Trust Kael to do one job right and he fuck's that up to.

Well he did fuck something else-

Irrelevant. I could feel the tension radiating off everyone at office was palpable. So much so that my boss, Jason asked me thrice if I wanted to take this up or not.

"Its not going to pretty, I know it and I'm pretty sure you do too." He said to which I replied and said that my mamma didn't raise no quitter. He seemed pretty satisfied with my answer and I was positive I had scored some brownie points in the professional counsellor radar.

I was currently seated in the $200 leather chair that the agency had provided me with and going through the file of Hollywood's most dramatic divorce. I had no idea what to make of it because, although Sofia's statements and problems seemed to have a personal tone to them and seemed to have been formed by the woman herself, the same couldn't be said for Liam. His statements and expectation seemed more rehearsed and clinical, almost as though someone was constantly guiding him. I also knew who that someone was, which just aggravated me further.

The basic plan I had in place for these two individuals was simple. There was going to be no talking in the first few minutes from my end, which essentially meant there was going to be yelling and screaming. A lot of it. Which was good, and if they're going to be a rigid bitch about their feelings then I'm definitely calling the big guns.

Cases like the Locke's weren't easy, especially since they had a lot at stake and were public news. Hollywood was a topic of discussion that every single person indulged in, which essentially meant that the Locke's were going to be publicly commented upon. Which also meant people thought they were entitled to opinions based on the rumours posted by leech sucking tabloids that would rather focus on a celebrity's sex life than the crisis in Sudan. 

Marriages are hard to sustain when there's a rift and to have them under the scrutiny of multiple eyes had to be unnerving, even for the Locke's, who were practically Hollywood royalty. The complexities of adjusting in marriages were definitely one that not every human could handle, and in the case of Sofia and Liam, I am sure, there may have been some cultural differences considering they originate from different ethnicities, I should know, I am the product of one such marriage.

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