Damian Wayne|| Troublemaker

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Dick: 20
Tim: 16
Damian: 15
(Y/n): 15
(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
Warnings: cursing, mentions of blood and fighting
Requested: nope

Man's body fell limp before you and you looked at him with so much hate in your eyes. Your knuckles were slightly bleeding but you didn't care.

You started walking away from the man but then police showed up and you didn't have anywhere to run.

One of them ran to you and brought you to the car. The other one ran to check on the man.

The police forced you in the back seat and next thing you knew you were at the police station.

*tiny time skip*

You looked up when you heard your name being called and a nice lady walked you out of the police station.

Once you walked out the door your mother was there waiting for you. You looked down and walked to the car and sat in the back.

You drove home in a complete silence but once you stepped in your house your mother started yelling.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You could've killed that man!!" She yelled. "So what? He deserved it." You answered coldly

"You have gotten into these fights too much lately!" She continued and you huffed. "Show me some respect! I'm the one who raised you!" She yelled.

You became even more angry. "Well very well done! Are you proud?!" You asked sarcastically. "Don't raise your voice at me!" She yelled.

"I could say the same thing about you!" You yelled. "If your father would be here he would be so disappointed!" She yelled and you snapped.

"Go to hell you fucking asshole!" You yelled at her. "How dare you say something like that to me! I'm your mother for fucks sake!" She yelled. "Well I wish you weren't!" You yelled. "Go to your room!" She yelled.

You groaned and walked past her in your room slamming the door shut.

You locked the door so your mother couldn't get in and punched the wall.

You looked at the wall then to your window. You couldn't give a flying fuck about what your mother thought or anyone else.

You walked to your window and opened it. You jumped out since it wasn't that high.

You put your hood on and walked far away from your home.

After about 30 minutes of walking your legs became sore. You looked around for a coffee place or a diner but pretty much every place was closed, it was 11.45 pm after all.

Finally you found a coffee place and walked in there. You ordered one black coffee and walked to table and sat down.

You put your head on the table cursing in your mind. It was bad idea to just leave and not plan it at all.

You heard the bell ring and you chuckled a little. 'Guess I'm not only crazy coming to a coffee place at 11 pm' you thought.

You didn't bother to look up just kept your head down getting tired of everything.

A minute or so passed and someone tapped you on the shoulder.

You looked up and saw a guy around 16 or 17 years old. "I'm sorry I was just checking up on you. Are you okay?" He asked. "Why do you care?" You asked coldly. "I just assumed since you're here at 11 pm looking like that" he said looking at you up and down.

You sighed "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude to you.. I just had a rough day.." you said looking at your coffee.

The guy sat down opposite you. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked. "Why are you being so nice to a complete stranger?" You asked him. "That's just who I am. I'm Tim Drake btw" he said. "(Y/n)" you said.

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