Tim Drake|| I'm not Gay!

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Tim: 16
Y/n: 16
(Y/n) your name(male name fits better but of course you can use female too)
(Bf/n) best friend
Warnings: this is gay one shot so if you're homophobic or just don't like stuff like that leave. No hate comments about lgbtq!
Requested: nope

You were talking with your friends about the last weekends party. Your whole football team was invited of course and everyone showed up.

"Wait you banged Ashley? She's a slut dude" (bf/n) said to Brandon. "So what? At least I get some" Brandon said and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.

"We have more important things to discuss about than who slept with who" you said. "Relax we're gonna win even if we had our eyes closed" Ethan said. "Whatever you say man" you said.

"I feel bad for him" Brandon said. "Who?" You asked. "That Tim Drake dude people thinks that he's gay" he said and pointed to where Tim was.

You looked there and saw him sitting with his friends. Then one of the bitches in cheer team went up to him clearly just to bully the poor kid.

"Yikes he's donee" Jack said. You rolled your eyes and looked over at Tim again you saw Tim looking down embarrassed and the bitch laughing. His friends were too afraid to have his back which was pretty shitty move.

You got up and walked over to their table. "What's going on?" You asked and Teresa turned around. "(Y/n) hey! I was just telling this little gay here who's the boss" she said. "I'm not gay" Tim said and Teresa laughed "as if" she said. "Fuck off Teresa. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything." You said and she looked at you offended.

Since you were the captain of the football team he didn't argue with you just walked away. You took a quick look at Tim and walked back to your own table.

*time skip*

You were walking out of the school. Tim ran next to you and stopped you.

"Thank you" he said. "For what?" You asked. "You know what you did in the cafeteria" he said. "No problem someone needed to talk back to that bitch anyway" you said and Tim chuckled.

"No one really likes her huh?" He asked. "Dude is that even a question?" You asked. "Touché" Tim said.

"Did you get that math homework cause I didn't ?" You asked. "Yeah. You need help with it?" Tim asked. "That would be cool" you said.

You agreed to go to his place to do the homework together.

"Dude you live here?!" You asked amazed by the Wayne manor. "Yeah" Tim answered and walked in.

You walked in his room and began to do the homework. "Dude I give up" you said frustrated and Tim chuckled.

Tim stood up. "I'm gonna get coffee you want some?" He asked "yeah thanks" you answered and Tim walked out of the room.

Tim's phone puzzed and you looked who the message was from but then you noticed your name on the message. "Wait? Does he talk shit about me?" You asked yourself and decided to open the text. 

Your eyes went wide when you read the message. It was from one if his friends called Bart.

Bart: Dude!!! I heard (y/n) was coming to your place today! You told him that you like him?! Are you gonna bang?!

Bart: hello?! Tim! Answer me!

Bart: wait did I interrupt you guys? I'll leave you alone now ;)

You put the phone slowly away and looked at it shocked.

"I got the coffees. Are you okay?" Tim asked when he saw your face. "I need to go" you said and took you bag and left. Quickly.

Tim looked after you confused and took his phone. Once the screen opened his eyes went wide. "Damn it Bart!" He yelled and ran after you.

Tim grabbed your wrist after a running after you. "I can explain. Just please listen to me" he said. You looked at him unsure but let him talk.

"Umm.. well ya know" he started awkwardly. "I umm m-maybe the r-rumors ate true and I-I'm... gay... and I do like you.. b-but I u-understand that y-you d-don't like me back.. I just w-wish t-that we could be even friends.."

You looked at him surprised. "I- I understand.." he said and let go of your wrist. "My team is totally gonna kill me" you said and Tim looked at you confused.

You pulled Tim in for a kiss but quickly pulled away. "Ilikeyoutoo" you said quickly. Tim looked at you shocked. "Wait really?" He asked. "Yes really. That's why I defended you and asked you about the homework"

"You? Like me?" Tim asked still shocked. "Oh god this was a mistake..." you said getting embarrassed. "What about a date? Tomorrow?" You asked Tim "yeah sure" he said still shocked. "Great I guess I'll see you then" you said. "Yeah..." Tim said and you walked off.

'Oh god oh god. That was embarrassing' you thought.

Not good with writing this kinda stuff but I wanted to do one since it's pride month.
Happy pride month to everyone!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💗💜💙❤️🧡💛💚

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