Dick Grayson|| you'll find someone

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Dick: 23
Y/n: 15
(Y/n) your name
(N/n) nickname
Warnings: nope.

Dick walked in the living room where the others already were. He sat down next to Jason.

"Where's (y/n)?" Dick asked. "In her room trying to end her life" Jason answered. "What?!" Dick yelled. "I'm kidding. She's just sad and angry, don't take me seriously" Jason said.

Dick relaxed and let out a sigh. "Thank god... wait. Why is she sad?" He asked. "Because "no one loves her" or that's what she thinks" Tim said. "What?" Dick asked.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Look Dicky. She feels kinda miserable because she ain't got anyone to love. Just like the author" He said. (Touché)

"What author? You know what never mind. I'm going to check on (y/n)" Dick said and walked towards your room.

Dick nodded on your door and opened it. "Hey (n/n) can I come in?" Dick asked. "Don't care" you answered.

Dick came in your room and closed the door. He saw you in the corner of your room with a blanket around you.

He came infront of you and sat down on the ground.

"Hi" Dick said. "Hi.." you said. "What's up?" He asked. "I hate my life" you answered. "You will find someone" Dick said.

You rolled your eyes. "When?! I've waited so damn long. No one loves me, Dick..." you said. "That's not true. I love you" he said.

You looked at him not amused. "You're my brother it doesn't count! You're forced to love me. I meant that no one loves romantically..." you said. "I'm sure someone does" Dick said. "Well where are they?!" You asked.

Dick sighed. "You can't rush things.. love and everything like that takes time. You'll find love when you least expect" he said. "When did you became a therapist?" You asked and Dick chuckled.

"Trust me. You'll find someone and you two will have a great life and maybe break up but that's fine. You'll find a new one and soon get married and get children and I'm gonna be an uncle..." Dick said.

You frowned a little. "I don't want kids" you said. "You'll change your mind. You're too young anyway... but the point wasn't that! It was that you'll find someone. Trust me any guy or a girl would more than a lucky to have you" Dick said.

You smiled a little. "Thanks Dick" you said. Dick smiled and pulled you into a hug.

I wish my family was like this.

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