BatBoys|| Elias

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Y/n: 15
Dick: 23
Damian: 14
Elias: 5
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: mentions of child abuse
Summary: reader has had a tough childhood because of 24/7 drinking father and once they find a little boy alone in the alley they don't even hesitate to help him

Third pov

Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian were all watching movies together in the living room. It was one of the rare days when none of them fought with anyone and got along pretty well.

(Y/n) was outside patrolling the city and getting their mind off of everything.

"Didn't (y/n)'s patrol end like ten minutes ago?" Dick asked as he looked at the time. "So?" Jason asked. "I just wonder what's taking them so long. Usually they rush home"
"Don't worry Dick they're fine. (Y/n) can handle themselves" Tim said.

There was a silent moment again up until fifteen minutes later you come into the room.

"Umm guys. I got a tiny problem" (y/n) said.

Jason looked up and his eyes widened when he saw a little kid hugging (y/n)'s leg. "Where did you get that kid?"

As Jason asked that everyone else looked at (y/n) and the kid too.

"It's not mine" (y/n) said. Jason's eyes just widened more. "You stole a kid?!"
"What?! No you jackass! I saved him!"
"Umm.. then why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be at home? With his parents"
"There's the problem. I can't-"

Second pov

"There's the problem. I can't-" you stopped yourself from saying anything else and looked at the little boy aka Elias. "Um-" you bend down to his level. "You want something to eat buddy?"

Elias nodded and took a tight hold of your hand. "Don't worry little guy these are my friends I told you about they won't hurt you. I wouldn't let them do that"

Elias looked at you hesitating but then he looked like he was convinced enough. Elias looked at the boys and shyly waved.

Dick waved back with a smile and Jason and Tim just looked at the kid confused.

You smiled and picked up Elias. He wrapped his small arms around your neck.

"Where's Alfred?" You asked. "In the kitchen" Tim answered. You smiled and walked into the kitchen to give Elias to him for a minute.

After Elias got used to Alfred you walked back into the living room.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jason asked. You sighed and crossed your arms. "I can't take him home"
"Why not?" Dick asked.


You sat on top of a building looking down really bored. You were about to lay down but jumped instead as you heard a loud crash from the alley close to you.

You stood up and walked to the other ledge of the roof and looked down.

On the ground was a little boy crying. It looked like he would've crashed into a garbage cans.

You jumped down from the rooftop and walked towards the kid.

He's head shot up as he heard steps and moved further away from you terrified.

"Hey, hey, hey.. it's okay I'm not going to hurt you... I'm here to help" you said as you stopped walking. The kid was breathing heavily not very convinced.

You sighed and took off your mask and bend down so he wouldn't have to be looking up at you.

"I'm going to help you, okay? Trust me, please I don't want any harm"

The kid started crying again but ran to you. He hugged you tightly and you were taken back by that. You hugged him back trying to calm him down.

"Can you tell me what happened?" You asked sweetly. The boy looked at you with teary green eyes and tears falling down his cheeks.

You wiped away his tears and smiled a little. "What's your name buddy?"
"That's a nice name. Can you tell me why you're crying, Elias?"
"I- m-my b-brother s-said t-that I-I w-was a mistake a-and t-that's w-why I d-deserve to g-get b-beaten u-up.."

Your eyes widened. "By who?"
Your eyes widened and you froze. Elias poked your arm and you shook your head and looked at him.

As you saw the look on his face your heart couldn't take it anymore.

"Come with me. Me and my friends will help you, okay?"  Elias nodded and he wrapped his arms around your neck.

You put the mask on then stood up holding Elias.

*flashback ends*

"Oooh" Jason and Tim said as you explained the whole thing. "What? Was there something I- oooh" Dick said.

Jason rolled his eyes and Damian tt'ed.

"Yeah. I don't want him to have as shitty childhood as I did." You said.
"But he can't be here either.. or can he?" Jason said. "Tt. Maybe father will adopt him too" Damian said jokingly. Or not. It's hard to tell.

You tried to stay serious but failed and laughed.

"I don't think that Bruce needs another kid. I wouldn't mind tho Elias is great kid. I guess I need to call the social welfare or something. Or Bruce does. I'm underage" you said.

You felt a tug and looked down. Elias had a grip on your shirt and looked at you worried. "I want to stay with you (y/n)..."
You bend down to his level and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's not really my decision where you're going to end up in. But you aren't going back to your father that's for sure."
"I don't wanna go anywhere else! I wanna stay here with you and Alfred!"
"Elias.. it's not my decision but I'll do everything I can okay?"

You looked at Elias with a sad expression but put a smile on. "Hey don't worry I know how to get what I want. You'll find a perfect place to stay trust me. It may be here or maybe not. No one knows yet. But I'm not letting anyone hurt you ever again."

Elias smiled and hugged you. You smiled too and hugged him back.

"Hey Demon that little kid is stealing your girlfriend" Jason teased.
"Shut up, Todd!"

Elias giggled as he looked at the two males. "Oh shoot. Elias that's Jason and Damian. Damian is the smaller one. The one with a smile is Dick a-"  Elias bursted out laughing. "You said 'dick'" he said between laughs.

You chuckled and Jason was smirking. "I like this kid" he said. "Oh shut up.." Dick said.

"As I was saying... the one who looks like zombie is Tim" you said and pointed at Tim when Elias stopped laughing.

Elias smiled and ran to Damian. "Pick me up!" He said. Damian was hesitant but did pick him up as he saw the look on your face.

"I hate you (l/n)" Damian said when Elias wrapped his arms around Damian's neck and began to drift off to sleep.

"No you don't" you said with a smile and Damian rolled his eyes.

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