Chapter Five

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You slowly walked down the path, still embarrassed by the 'sweet' incident. You doubted Shoto knew it was about him, but it was still very much embarassing.

You suddenly noticed dark shadow, inches from your face, and as he moved aside, you realised you had almost walked into a wall. You smiled at the creature and Tokoyami.

"Thank you. I'm a bit... Out of sorts today."

"If it was about the classroom incident, I don't think anyone payed much attention."

You blushed, as he read you very well. You smoothed out your uniform before replying.

"Yes... I appreciate the reassurance. It was bothering me, but I suppose it was nothing."

"I'm glad to oblige. Now, I really must do the homework. Good evening, Ms (L/N)."

"You too Tokayami."

You continued to walk, thinking about the day's events. You were extremely embarassed, but there seemed to be a change of character from Todoroki.

Whatever he thought from seeing one of your worst memories, seemed to mellow him out, even just a little bit. Part of you wanted to be friends with him, the other half didn't, just to defy your predestined future.

You soon reached the class building, and unloaded your book to begin your math homework. You were tired, but knew you couldn't be distracted. After a while, you noticed a familiar red-head enter the room.

"Hi (F/N), how are you?"

"Oh, Kirishima. I'm fine, thank you, although this homework is awful."

"That sucks. I'm going to make some coffee, want some?"

"Yes, thank you. Three sugars please."

"You're obsessed with sweet stuff, huh? Anyway I'll make one for you."

You resumed your homework. You were doing well, until you hit a dilemma.

'Your answer should be in the form a√5, where a is an integer.'

You sighed - you had gotten 4√7. You looked over it many times, before a cool voice spoke behind you.

"You wrote it wrong there - it should be -7."

You looked suprised, before correcting your mistake. You turned to thank your helper, but suddenly, your face was inches from Shoto's. You both kept eye contact, before the soft clink of a cup of coffee being placed brought you back to attention. A light blush painted your cheeks. You began to sip your drink, not realising it was hot before it was too late.

"Ah--! T-that's hot!"

You quickly hurried to the fridge, pouring yourself some cold water from the fridge. You closed your eyes as the cool substance washed the heat away.

"Phew... That's better."

You turned, noticing Kirishima was stifling a laugh. You realised you must have looked idiotic, but soon smiled as you noticed Todoroki smirking. Damn... It was so cute! You quickly looked down, blushing, before returning to the sofa.


Soon, you completed all your homework, finally able to relax. You closed your eyes, just for a moment, before passing out. Exhaustion took over, and you gave up.

"(Y/N)... Wake up..."


You were laying in your (F/C) bed back at home. You felt warm, and tears rolled down your face as you looked at your smiling mother gazing at you lovingly.

"Mum... Are we home now? Together?"

"No... I'm afraid this is just a dream. But a lovely one, no?"

You looked at the dust particles dancing lazily in the sunlight.

"I miss you... So much."

Your mother just smiled, a sorrowful one.

"Me too... But enough of that. How's UA been? You've always wanted to go."

You sat up, thoughtful.

"I met some... Very interesting characters. Everybody is so kind to me... Though I tend to stay away from Grape Soda."

Your mother laughed.

"Yes, I suppose you would. How about Todoroki?"

You blushed.

"He's grown up to be very handsome, and kind too. He seems like a nice person."

However, as you looked up, your mother was walking through a door.

"M-mum... Don't go... Please!"

You reached for the doorhandle, before...

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