Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Shouting could be heard everywhere, as rubble lay spread across the battle field. Pro heroes were fighting, and all exits had been blocked off. There were injuries on both sides. Blood was spattered in random places, and the area seemed to be completely destroyed. The throbbing in your arm was agonising, but there was more work to do.

"Come on (Y/N), it's not safe here."

You shook your head.

"People need help here. B-besides, the exits are blocked."

Shoto adored you to pieces, but your willingness to help still frustrated him. You were in no state to help anyone, and it was more important to help yourself, considering the miserable state of your arm.

"You'll only be a hindrance to anyone here. And if we run in to any villains, they'll kill you. Please (Y/N)."

You gritted your non-mangled hand, very pissed. You knew he was right, yet still you didn't want to give in. There were injured people scattered, screaming for help... Just like you were.

You were curled up in a ball, sobbing. You wanted to go home, you hated it here - you had no friends, no family, and there was no comfort from your teachers. You felt so helpless, why hadn't anyone come to save you yet?! You were depressed, and feeling something no eight year old should feel.

"They all gave up on me."


"So I'm not giving up on any of these people. I will never, ever let anyone feel that way again!"

"(Y/N), please."

He only wanted to keep you safe. Protect the one he loved from all this. But he knew how you felt, and that there was no turning back. You quickly ran to the nearest person, and Shoto shook his head. You were the most stubborn and reckless person he knew (perhaps second to Deku), and it was one of the reasons he loved you.

He quickly ran over, helping you lift the rock a man was stuck under. He thanked you, before running off. A few villains walked up to you - but he saw the fire in your eyes. They were drowned unconscious in somehow seconds, and you were continuing your path. Victim after victim, villain after villain, you weren't being stopped. Adrenaline ran in masses through your veins, and you were ready for anything.

Anything except that.

"Everyone, evacuate the premises! We have defeated the enemy, but please leave in case another wave arrives!"

A blinding light was hurtling towards you. It was deadly. There was no time to react- But then you felt motion, and a feeling of horror and devastation as a gaping hole opened in the one you loved's torso. Drops of blood splattered over you, as an ever growing puddle swam out around him.

"Sh-Shoto? Shoto! Y-you idiot, get up!


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