Chapter Twenty

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You stood next to Shoto in preparation for the next round's fight. Midnight was once more standing on the stage whilst Present Mic was commentating.

"Well, welcome back everyone! Now that we're all healed, let's get ready for the next round!" He struck a pose, pointing finger guns at Midnight.

"You got it, Mic! Well, the next round has been decided. Get ready for a game of capture the flag! You will be split into two teams of sixteen for the final matches - a bag is coming round now. Please take a paper - it'll tell you whether you are on the red team or the blue team."

You anxiously looked in the bag - you really wanted to be on a strong team. You also hoped you were on a team with Shoto - that way, you had a chance of facing him in the final tournament. Your match didn't exactly have a victor in the end, so you wanted to see who would win. You read the crimson-coloured writing as a rose headband appeared on your head. It was well fitted. You sighed as you noticed Shoto was also wearing red. You looked around, before Midnight announced the teams.

"Okay! The teams have been decided. Look at the board to see your teams!"

Everyone looked up to the board. Not only were the teams were shown, but so were the quirk names - this gave a disadvantage to both sides. The Clematis were at a disadvantage - any pretence of having a quirk was washed away. However, the other team had quite a good defence, but not a great offence. Your team, on the other hand, seemed to be more on the offensive side. It would either be a one-way battle or a struggle.

 It would either be a one-way battle or a struggle

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Once again, the ground started to shake. You stumbled before steadying yourself as the recently flattened land rose up again. This time, two flags appeared in the centre and a large, rocky terrain with lots of caves arose. You bit your lip - this wasn't the best terrain for you. The land seemed to be dry, and you couldn't sense much water in the air except for the water vapor in the air. 

"Now, both teams must choose a representative to take the flag. Every player's vision will be temporarily obscured by blindfolds while the flags are hidden. Once the blindfolds disappear, a device will teleport you next to your flag. The flag cannot be picked up unless in victory after the thirty-second mark. Additionally, you will each be given headsets so you can communicate with your team mates. After that, it's a free for all! Whoever claims the other team's flag wins. You have one minute to find your teams, and after that, two minutes for you to choose a flag bearer, and one minute for your representative to hide the flag. Ready...? Go!"

You and Shoto looked around, gathering your team mates. You also met the quirkless girl in your team, who seemed rather bitter. You smiled and waved at her. You could make another potential friend.

"It's nice to meet you. I hope we can-"

"This isn't friendship - I'm just working with you so I can win this. I have my inventions - I don't need you or quirks."

And with that, she walked over to chat with Mei. She reminded you of the head-strong boarding school girls. However, you paid no mind to her, deciding to talk with Shoto instead. Kirishima came over to you two.

"Glad to be on your team Todoroki and (Y/N). Sorry to rush this, but is it okay if Iida is our representative? With your votes, we get over the half-way mark, and Iida will go."

You nodded, smiling. Shoto agreed as well as Kirishima went to deliver the news. Suddenly, you couldn't see. You stepped back, disorientated, until you felt a hand on yours. The slight coldness told you that it was Shoto's. You clasped it, waiting the two minutes out. All of a sudden, you felt a jolt as you realised - you were being teleported.

The game was about to start.

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