Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sorry I haven't updated for two weeks! School has been absolutely murderous. Anyway, I'm trying to write as many chapters in advance as possible. Back to the story!


You grit your teeth, your arms aching and straining under the pressure. This wasn't good - your arms were in such a position they could be easily snapped. You were relieved to see that Shoto could breathe, but the fingermarks on his neck were slowly reddening. He was being held by a patchwork guy, but you couldn't see your attacker. A girly voice came from behind you.

"I reaaaaaally hope you don't move! Snapping your arms would be such a waste, and killing your friend there would be super boring. Think of all the blood that I'd be missing out on, you wouldn't want to make me sad, would you?"

Where were the pro heros? Shoto seemed to recognise the girly voice, as a dark look came across his eyes.

"(Y/N), don't try and attack."

The girly voice spoke again, but this time she seemed excited.

"Oooooooh Dabi can we keep that one? His hair is super cool and he's submissive! I want him to be my friend."

You felt disgusted at her twisted mindset. Shoto was in a deadly position, and yet she was talking about friendship. The villain you now knew as Dabi spoke, sighing.

"Toga, we gotta restrain them and trap 'em somehow. That, or they die. No keeping them. Besides, I thought you wanted the plain green-haired one?"

She sighed lazily.

"Shigaraki is soooo clingy over him. He's not worth my time. He doesn't seem to care about that one though."

The two of you decided to stay quiet, minds racing for an escape plan. The moment one of you moved, you'd be heavily compromised. Suddenly, you jolted forward as you heard a sound of impact. You winced as you felt something tear in your arm. It wasn't broken yet, but it wasn't broken. Yet.

"Hey, who threw their shoe?! You're such a bully!"

You turned slowly, to see Jirou grinning. She was scratched up, but she was smirking nonetheless. Toga stomped her foot like a toddler.

"Ugh, this is so unfair! Isn't anyone around to get her? Jeez, guess I gotta do everything myself."

You almost screamed as a snapping sensation echoed through you. It hurt like hell, and tears began to appear in your eyes. You closed them, refusing to show weakness, even though your arm was excruciatingly painful. You heard Shoto faintly, and tried to calm down as you heard his voice get a little more strained. Dabi was restricting his neck further.

"Don't worry... I'll pull th-through."

You slowly opened your eyes to see a shocked Jirou.

"Aw, such a waste. This is all your fault, emo girl! Now, try any more stunts and the whole thing is coming off! Ooooh, a shower of blood! I can already taste it!"

Shoto felt so useless and frustrated. But most of all - furious. His rage was being fuelled every second, he was going to burst any minute. He knew you weren't going to cope much longer, the sickening crack he heard confirmed it. He just needed the right opportunity!

Then it came. The ground fell out beneath the four of you, and Shoto felt the grip on his neck release. He watched you yelp as Toga's hand slowly slid down your arm, making it move in an unnatural way. He quickly froze the two villains, grabbing hold of you as you both started to run, (Y/N) holding her arm tightly.

They expected to see freedom, somewhere where they could find safety, but all around was carnage.

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