Chapter 25

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Airah was seething as she sat on her desk at the company. Areef is taking her to be a charity case. Just because her father was duped that does not give him the right to offer her father investment on the business that has not even taken off yet.

She checked the time again. Only a few minutes and he will be here. And then she will show him she can take on anything but not a dig at her family.

The time stroke 8 am and Airah anxious. But suprisingly Areef did not show up like he always did. She concluded it must have been traffic.

9:30 am.

Areef still was not at the office. Airah was getting impatient. What is wrong. Why isn't he here. Airah thought.

The phone rang..... It had been ringing since 8. He had q couple of appointments and the reception have been calling so as to send them up.

Aieah hissed before picking up.

The reception has called to tell her of another visitor Areef had.

"Mr. Ruben, he's still not in yet." Airah answered.

"That is what i told her but she is pretty impatient. "

Airah felt like shouting at the top of her lungs. Where the hell is Areef.

She told him to try and calm her down while she calls Areef. 

She dialled his number using the company phone but it was not going through. She tried multiple times to no avail.

She was about to try for the nth time when the office door was burst open.

Airah was startled by the force on the door. She looked at the person that just walked in.  Could my day get any worse?  Airah thought.

Amrah walked in majestically. She went up to Airah all giving her the stink eye. She walked over to Areef's door. Turned the knob and pushed. She saw it was empty. She back stepped to Airah's desk.

"well well well, if it isn't the gold digger. "

Airah pretended she did not hear or see anything. She continued typing away.

Amrah twisted her mouth with disgust and pulled out the cable of the system making Airah's computer go blank.

"Look you classless trash. I know what your intentions are, you can't fool me like you did Areef. I know what you intend to do once you marry him. Daddy's a little broke right? So you seduced the CEO with God knows  what to gold dig...... "

Amrah didn't finish her sentence when she was given a sound slap. She was so shocked her bag fell to the floor as she held her cheek.

Airah stood facing her as she was still heaving.

"Say anything stupid about my family again and you will walk out of here in clutches. " Airah told her as she picked up her bag and exited the office leaving a dumbstruck Amrah inside.

Just as she made for the stairs she felt a hand on her wrist.  Turning it was none other than Areef.

"Miss Ahmad? Are you okay? "

She felt like beating him senseless at that moment. But all she did was remove her hands from his grip, straightened out then told him. "We need to talk. "

Areef gestured for the office but she shook her head. Not here.

He was surprised but he agreed and they rode the elevator together without a single word uttered by either of them.

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