Chapter 38

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The Ahmad's residence was in full festive mood. They were occasional yodelling by the aunts and old people whenever Airah passes them by. There would tease her until she left. She went round taking pictures with family and friends. The kids stuck to her all day. Fadeelah especially wouldn't leave her side.

Areef and his friends arrived and more pictures were taken. Until Areef was dragged away again as he had to go and greet Mamy's guest too.

The conveyance of the bride was that evening.

As the sun seemed to be setting Airah felt her body grow weaker as she tried to brush away the dread that is beginning to creep up on her. They Will soon be here to take her away from her Ummee.

Just as that thought came to her mind she saw Ummee chattering and smiling with her guests. She felt her heart constrict, her eyes were very watery.

"Amrah, let's go Abba wants to see you now." Amal said startling her.

She nodded making way to go outside where she thought they were with his friends but Amal dragged her to his study instead and right then her blood went cold. It's the farewell nasiha (advice).

She followed Amal as she took her in to where he was seated on the only couch in the room. Amal was quick to turn and leave the father and daughter.

Surprisingly Airah felt herself unable to look up at her father. No matter how she tried she just couldn't.

"My Airah is already so grown she can't look at me again? Or should I say Areef's Airah. " Airah felt those tear trying to resurface again.

Abba placed his hands on her head and she let out a sigh which was accompanied by streaks of tears as she remembered how her father always patted her head when she was younger and way shorter then him. She used to ask him then, "Abba when I get taller will you still pat my head? "
And he would always reply, "Why not, you will always be small in my eyes and even if you outgrow me I will always pat your head. "

" I did tell you I will always pat your head right? Well the promise Is still there just that I'll appoint someone to do it in my place. Areef seems like a good man for the job, don't you think?"

She shook her head gently. "He's not? It's supposed to be the other way round you know, me not liking him and you trying to convince me too. " he finished with a chuckle.

"Airah, I trust you very much, I trust you to hold onto the moral training we have given you. After all you have never deviated from it all this while, so I trust to will continue holding onto it.

Patience.  That's like one of your trait so I don't think I need to lecture you on it but since it's part of the norm I'll tell you this -Allah is with the patient ones- which you already know.

I trust Areef to take care of you, if I didn't I would have never agreed to marry you off to him even if you threatened to kill yourself because of him. So I'll like you to hold onto him as your pillar. And you be his wall. Hold onto each other and always be there for each other. No matter what happens don't be rash in making judgements Airah. Not to brag but I believe your mother and I have been very good role models for you.

Be your husband's safe haven, his best friend, his personal adviser and most of all his supporter in anything as soon as its not against the Deen."
Airah was a mess of tears and snot by now. Her father's words sank deep into her soul and it's all sounding like his last sermon to her.

He prayed for her alot before calling Amal on phone to come and take her away.  She coud barely walk as Amal took her way to get ready as the groom's family were already here to take her.

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