chapter 1 ♥️

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I woke up but Where am I? You look around but no one is with you, are you in a classroom you think to yourself. you look at the clock on the wall and you ask yourself whats the time.
" It's 6 pm"
Your mouth drops to see the speaking clock.
" Y/N you should be in E22 for maths," it said
" How... How do you know my name "
" Y/N don't be silly I know the names of everyone that goes to this school, I also know that your 10 minutes late for maths" the clock continued
" I must be dreaming," you said aloud
All of a sudden rays of green light passed through your body
" Actually Y/N my system shows that you are in fact conscious "
" Great " you mumble to yourself.
" You are now 15 minutes late for maths," the clock said.
" Ohh.. ugh. I guess I should get going"
You said quickly trying to get your self out of the awkward situation.
You left the room not looking back what the fuck is going on, something is wrong this can not be happening. You continued walking for another 5 minutes to see a door marked E20 you gazed down the corridor. E21...E22!
You sighed a breath of relief as
You entered the classroom.

Jimin's POV
class is so boring, no one cares about angles for fucks sake.
" Everyone get into groups of 2," Mrs wall said loudly
I looked for a partner since namjoon was with jin, jungkook was with Tae and hobi was with yoongi.
But ofc I was the only one without a partner since everyone else in the class had a partner and the class is odd-numbered so I sat there quietly deciding to just do the work by myself
Suddenly the door was opened.
Gasps and confused looks were exchanged throughout the classroom.
"Who is she?"
" What is she ?"
" Why is she here ?"
Were the only things that could be heard.
" She's cute," jungkook said as his furry ears pointed up.
You rolled your eyes in response.
" No way guys," I said gasping
The rest looked at you
" She's a human," I said still in shock
" Jimin is right she is a human " namjoon said just as shocked.
" That can't be possible," yoongi said also shocked yet questioning what he was seeing.
Hobi, Jin and v were shocked by our statements
I looked back she was still at the door she looked just as surprised as we did.

I entered the classroom
What the heck! You thought to yourself
" Who is she?"
" What is she ?"
" Why is she here ?"
Were the only things that could be heard. You felt everyone's gaze burning through you as you stood there with their mouth wide open. you stared in disbelief at what u were seeing.

they- they are hybrids what the fuck?! I thought to yourself

" I .. uh got told to um.. come here," you said stuttering like crazy trying to contain your panic.
" AHH yes you must be Y/N, well Y/N this is your class," the teacher at the desk said politely she also had cat ears and a tail that was wrapped around the leg of the chair
You looked towards the class and they were looking at you as if u were some alien.
"I'm miss walls by the way," she said smiling
" Who doesn't have a partner?" the teacher continued
A boy put his hand up he had blonde hair and hazel eyes, he had dark blonde cat ears and a nice smile.
" Jimin will you please take Y/N to her seat then you may do the work with her "
The boy who I now know is called Jimin came to me and showed me to my seat, I was next to him.
Everyone started doing their assigned tasks.
" Uh...hii.I'm Y/N" you said shyly trying to start up a conversation.
" I'm Jimin " he replied
The boys sitting next to him who I assumed were his friends stared at me from time to time before looking away quickly when I saw them.
The teacher gave me an exercise book and I wrote the date.
" Uhh...jimin.. what's the date," you said shyly
" Oh it's June the 22nd" he replied
"Thanks," you said
You wrote June 22nd 2019 neatly in your book underlining it with a ruler you borrowed from Jimin since you didn't have a pencil case.
"Uhh Y/N .." Jimin said softly
"Yh?" You replied
"You wrote the wrong year it's 3000," he said laughing
" Wait..w-what," you said confused
" It's not 2019 Y/N it's 3000" he laughed with his tail swaying side to side.
"W-what " you tried to say
Suddenly everything went black ...
that is the end of chapter 1 (j)hope you liked it I will be trying to post every day if not once every 2 days ♥️ 803 words💜

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