chapter 8 🧡

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I tried to pull jimin off of jungkook but then jimin scratched me on the cheek making me fall over.


"Oh no Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't mean to " jimin gasped

"Jungkook, jimin got to your rooms NOW!!" namjoon yelled at them.

Silence soon fell as they both walked up the stairs.

" Y/N are you ok " yoongi said examining the cuts on my cheek.

" Yh but it hurts " I sniffled not trying to make jimin get in any more trouble than he already was in.

Yes, he hurt me but still I'm not that mean.

Jin came and handed the first aid kit to yoongi.

"This is going to hurt for a bit," yoongi said wetting the cotton ball with antiseptic alcohol.

I winced in pain as yoongi cleaned my cuts before placing a plaster upon them.

"All done, you should go to bed now it's late we have school tomorrow remember," Yoongi said

I nodded before going upstairs.

I made my way to the spare bedroom before putting on my pyjamas.

I didn't know where to sleep since I didn't want to sleep in Jimin's room I'm not angry at him I just think it's not the right time.

I could just sleep in this room but I don't want to be by myself.

So I walked down the corridor and found myself outside a door.

I knocked on it gently before getting a muffled "come in" from whoever was inside

"Oh hi y/n what are you doing here shouldn't you be in bed," asked jungkook who was on his phone

"Er I don't want to sleep by myself ... Can I sleep with you," I asked shyly

" Yh sure " jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth

To be honest I was kind off surprised he said yes

I closed the door then I walked over to his bed and went under the covers

"Sorry about today Y/n, it's my fault don't blame jimin I'm the one who brought it up " jungkook apologized

"Brought what up," I asked

"Never mind "

" Now sleep we have school tomorrow," jungkook said

" I don't like school, no one likes me, I don't fit in with everyone, I'm too different" I sulked

"We like you and that's all the matters " jungkook smiled

Jungkook pulled me into his chest I was shocked at first but soon relaxed and fell asleep.


I was scrolling on my phone before I heard a little knock on my door.

" Come in " I shouted

Y/N appeared from behind the door.

" Oh hi Y/N what are you doing here shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked her

"I don't want to sleep by myself......can I sleep with you," she asked quietly

"Yh sure "

y/N closed the door and walked over to my bed and gently went in covering herself with blankets

I kinda felt bad for her after today she's had a long one.

"Sorry about today Y/N, it was my fault don't blame jimin I'm the one who brought it up" I apologized

"Brought what up," she asked


"Now sleep we have school tomorrow" I reminded her since it was pretty late now.

"I don't like school, no one likes me, I don't fit in with everyone, I'm too different" she sulked

I felt bad her she can't help the situation she's in.

"We like you and that's all that matters, " I said

I pulled her into my chest I can tell she was surprised because she was stiff but she soon eased into it before I heard soft snores.

Jimin's POV

I was lying in bed just thinking about what happened today when I heard someone walking down the corridor.

I heard the person knock on Jungkooks door since that's the room next to mine.

I heard jungkook yell come in since the walls weren't that thick.

"I don't want to sleep by myself ....Can I sleep with you " I heard

It was Y/N!

I soon heard the door close

Why didn't she want to sleep with me?

Of course, she wouldn't want to sleep with me why am I surprised after everything I put her through.

Jungkook was right.

I'm a horrible person.

_________________________________________ A/N
well that's part 2
Hope you enjoyed
sorry it takes long for me to update
Plz don't be a silent reader comment and vote 🤪
~ rey 😋

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