chapter 14 💛

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"Y/n you said how you wanted a phone we can go shopping tomorrow since there's no school" jungkook smiled

"Yah! Y/n wake up " jungkook yelled while jumping on my bed like a maniac.

"Can u please get your heavy self off of me!" I whined

" It's all this muscle "

"Where? I can't see it" I smirked

"Jin hyungggg y/n is bullying me" jungkook ran with his tail swaying behind him while running out my bedroom door while I was laughing at his reaction, he does have muscles I just wanted to see his reaction.

I soon got off the bed to join the others at breakfast and like always they were there first.

"Yah y/n what takes you so long you weren't even getting dressed?"

"I don't like being rushed "

"Eat up everyone we'll be going to the mall today to buy y/n some things " Jin announced

"Thank you"

"Ugh why does everyone have to go " yoongi sighed

"Good to know you care about me yoongi " I faked a smile

" Well as we know y/n's dad is still out there somewhere we need to be with her at all times it's not safe for her, ok? " Jin spoke

Everyone nodded in response

" He's not my dad he's my father he doesn't deserve to be called my dad he never did "
"And we've all had practice with this type of thing we are trained she isn't she can't keep herself safe " namjoon added

"So you're calling me weak?"

"Not exactly I'm just saying we know what to do when it comes to stuff like this "

"And why would that be ?"

"You'll find out when you're are meant to but for right now let's leave it " namjoon finished

After everyone eating, we went back to our bedroom to get dressed.

I couldn't help but wonder what they are hiding from me that's so bad that they can't tell me?

**** Time skip***

"Y/n do you know what you want to buy, " jimin asked

"I'm not sure I don't really want to use your money "

" Don't worry it's fine " he smiled

"Okay how about this, hobi and yoongi will buy shoes; taehyung and jungkook will buy tops; namjoon and Jin will buy jewellery and me and y/n will buy jeans and hoodies ok?"

"Woah Woah Woah since when were you in charge I'm meant to give out orders " namjoon faked a pout. Which made me giggle a bit.

We all ended up splitting up ways apart from me and jimin we were together we went to the shops and we ended up picking a bunch of skirts and jeans so I was looking in the hoodie section.

"You know you can just wear my hoodies y/n " jimin smiled

"Was that a statement or a request?" I asked

"I don't know it's up to you to figure out " he smirked while walking away ugh that boy he looked so cute though with he's ears and tail.

"Jimin I'm hungry can we go eat," I asked

" We only and breakfast like 2 hours ago " he laughed

" I eat a lot okay "

"Sure where do you want to eat ?"

"Uhhh McDonald's "

"What's that?" He asked raising his eyebrow

"I- you don't know what McDonald's is oh wait never mind you pick "

"Let's go to wavers it's only a few minutes away "

I nodded in response

Once we were there jimin told me to pick a table while he went and ordered the place was really cool and futuristic something out of a movie yet everyone was so casual.

"Jimin may I go to the toilet " asked

"Yeh sure they are outside on the left," he said pointing out of the place

I nodded before saying a small thank you then going to the toilet.

After I was finished I washed my hands before seeing a familiar reflection in the mirror.

" What are you doing here !" I gasped before turning around before everything went pitch black.

Jimin's pov

Y/n is taking a while but I didn't think anything of it yet it had still been 20min and she still wasn't here I've already finished my food and everything so I went to go check if she was still there before asking a lady is she would go and check in the bathroom if she was there. The lady came back and said there was no one in there I panicked and called Jin right away.

Jin: yah jimin why are you calling me are you finished?

Jimin: I've lost her hyung she's gone she went to the bathroom and she still isn't back I asked if she was in there but a woman said the bathroom stalls were all empty hyung we need to do something now!

Jin: Are you serious jimin!? this is why I don't trust you with anyone or anything you had one job to keep her safe and you couldn't even do that! I'll call the others to meet at the base !?

Y/n's pov

I woke up with a pounding headache was am i. I looked around I was in some sought of a room with cement walls I tried getting up but my hands and feet were tied to the chair.

"Jimin!" I yelled


"Do you really think they are coming for you? Do yourself a favour and shut up " a voice spoke in the dark

No no no no what do they want why are they here !?

"I know who you are! Reveal yourself, you coward "

The lights turned on and I was able to see who it was it was but it wasn't just one person there was 2...
Comment who you think they are?💕 People who guess right will be shouted out next chapter 💛

Plz, read !!

Thank you so many guys for 4k reads 🤧💗💞0 wth I love you guys thank you for all for the positive comments and thank you to everyone who voted😌 and followed me😝 plus added my book to their reading lists🤭it means so much😀 I can't believe how far I've come 😊thx to you guys 🙃I don't think you guys understand how much it means to me 🥺💛 . Sorry for not updating😩 I had a writer's block I'll be updating regularly from now😁
Not proofread so sorry 😅

-Rey 💞💗

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